All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 2376-2400 of 2779
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-10 說《爾雅‧釋丘》的「陶丘」──兼談古文字中的「 陪」字 古育安 conference pdf(23)
2023-12 The Movement and Imprisonment of "Wartime China": The Rear Narrative and Scarring Subject of Female Writer Huang Meizhi's Writings Who Came to Taiwan after 1945 羅詩雲 conference 說明頁(58)
2023-10 Into the Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships from Diachronic Documents: Text-based Temporal Social Network Construction 薛化元Hsueh, Hua-Yuan、Lee, Chieh-Yu、Henriot, Christian、Liu, Jyi-Shane、Huang, Hen-Hsen conference 說明頁(53)
2023-09 TMCG的女性聖職人員調查 李玉珍 conference pdf(42)
2023-12 人間佛教的未來:佛教與管理 李玉珍 conference 說明頁(53)
2023-11 矽谷、印尼、莫三比克:女性創建的三個慈濟海外據點 李玉珍 conference pdf(36)
2023-11 叢林現代化:佛光山星雲大師與台灣佛教的共構互濟 李玉珍 conference pdf(37)
2023-12 團結概念的結構轉型—論黑格爾的倫理性學說與儒家禮治國理念的重建 林遠澤 conference pdf(23)
2023-06 Active Perception circa 1450-1650 AD and Beyond 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony conference pdf(29)
2023-04 Neither Object Nor Content: Situating Gupta’s Reformed Empiricism 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony conference 說明頁(49)
2023-06 Tactile Introspection: A Case for Perspectivalism in Touch 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony conference pdf(48)
2023-11 The Transcendental Inside-Out Binding Problem and Its Spatiotemporal Solution 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony conference pdf(33)
2022-12 反思Alasdair MacIntyre對於自由主義的批評:一種新的正義問題之可能性 向富緯 conference pdf(22)
2021-12 A Philosophical Reflection on the Healing of Shamanism in Taiwan 陳薈雅、Chen, Hueiya conference 說明頁(44)
2023-08 In between caregiving and carereceiving: Understanding the embodiment of home care and intercorporeal relations in families 陳薈雅、Chen, Huei-Ya conference pdf(27)
2022-03 人作為病痛存有:從高達美《論健康之隱蔽》重思當代醫學人文 陳薈雅 conference pdf(37)
2022-09 宿緣/夙緣中的家:重思家庭照顧倫理 陳薈雅 conference 說明頁(32)
2023-08 On the subjectivity of patient: Injustice and dialogue between physician-patient relationship in light of Gadamer’s hermeneutics 邱逢霖、Iao, Fong Lam conference pdf(38)
2022-11 作為學問的Wissenschaft:從海德格與狄爾泰的科學觀 論起 邱逢霖 conference 說明頁(33)
2022-12 治療中的理解或理解中的治療——論醫病關係的雙向性 邱逢霖 conference pdf(27)
2022-03 經驗的擺渡——論高達美與狄爾泰的經驗概念 邱逢霖 conference pdf(20)
2023-06 論高達美的主體性概念史 邱逢霖 conference pdf(28)
2024-04 以對話為基礎的華語文跨文化溝通素養教學從「教什麼」到「如何學」 黃雅英、Huang, Ya-Ying conference pdf(45)
2023-10 An Analysis of the Discrimination Usage of Near-Synonym IN FACT and ACTUALLY Based on Questionnaire 黃宥甄 conference 說明頁(30)
2023-12 Conscience and Consequences: Analyzing the Ethical Struggles and Actions in Hamlet 劉聖英、Liu, Sheng-Ying conference pdf(2)