All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 376-400 of 23088
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-12 兩岸經濟合作機制的前景 CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2002-11 台商對大陸投資對台商競爭力的影響 --- 以資訊產業為例 CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2002-12 中共十六大前後經濟局勢評估 CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2003-11 中國人民幣匯率的兩難:實質固定匯率或升值? CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2002-11 「十六大」後中共對台政策展望 CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2003-11 反恐戰爭下的全球經貿格局發展 CHEN-YUAN TUNG conference
2008-05 詩藝的完成─余光中與現代詩批評 FANG-MING CHEN conference pdf(9605)
2004-09 自「字母改革」迄今土耳其語拼寫問題析論 LAN-YA TSENG conference
2001 肢體語言在班級管理中的角色 Serap Kizlier、Vedat Kizlier conference
2001-03 凱末爾的語文改革 SHIH-KANG PENG conference
1996-05 土耳其語教學評估 SHIH-KANG PENG conference
2000-12 武氏祠漢畫石刻之天人合一思維結構─以武梁祠為論述主軸 WEN-HUEI CHENG conference web page(558)
2007-03 歌詩與圖象的互文詮釋-以《相逢行》為例 LI-FENG KAO conference web page(573)
2002 論漢代經學的「正典化」及其意義—以「石渠議奏」為討論中心 CHI-PING LIN conference web page(808)
1998 Institutional Trades and Price Impacts on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Wei K. C. John、劉玉珍、Huan-Di Yi、Le-Ming Su conference
2003 Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategy for Intertemporal Pension Fund Management with Stochastic Volatility in Incomplete Markets SIMON H . YEN、徐辜元宏 conference
2002 An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of International Investment Barriers with Heterogeneous Preference and Incomplete Markets-Using the Perturbation Method SIMON H . YEN、徐辜元宏 conference
1991 Cross-Hedging Foreign Interest Rates with US.Financial Futures SIMON H . YEN conference
1996 Management of Foreign Trade and Investment: Taiwan`s Experiences and the Implications for Central Asia 杜化宇 conference
1988 The Buy-and-Hold Implimentation Bias in the Trading Rule Test JIMMY D . CHEN conference
1988 Trading Rule Effects on the Results of Market Efficiency Tests--A Comparative test of several Widely Used Trading Rules JIMMY D . CHEN conference
1987-11 A Conceputual Framework for Trading Rule Market Efficiency Test with and Improved Trading Rule JIMMY D . CHEN、Chung, C. H. conference
2003-06 The Performance of Auction in Pricing IPO Shares:New Evidence Lee Yi-Tsung、劉玉珍、戴維芯 conference
2004 Noise Trading and Market Quality 林秋發、JIE-HAUN LEECHOU ROBIN conference
2003 The Intraday Stock Retrun Characteristics Surrounding Price Limit Hits 李翎竹、劉玉珍、戴維芯 conference