All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 21926-21950 of 22152
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1991 The treatment of idioms in the LFG-based ECS machine translation system One-Soon Her、Dan Higinbotham、Joseph Pentheroudakis conference pdf(2408)
2000-12 Why Companies Issue Stock Dividends:The Case of Taiwan 徐燕山、Tai-Hung Su、Ming-Cheng Wu conference
2021-10 臺灣文學德語譯介中的「正義」- 以台灣短篇小說選集的編輯為例 徐安妮Hsu, An-Nie conference pdf(157)
1994 兩岸科技交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1999 Benchmark of pension valuation: a case study incorporating policy intervention 張士傑 conference
2014-11-15 國小高年級創造思考色彩教學之行動研究 許芫甄、Shiu, Yuan-Jen、劉光夏、Liu, Kuang-Hsia conference 說明頁(1075)
1997 從台灣角度看兩岸關係中的香港角色 邵宗海 conference
2015-04 Mental Element of Patent Infringement Compensation in Taiwan: Comparative Implications from Empirical Study of Judicial Decisions 王立達、Wang, Richard Li-dar、洪紹庭、Hong, Shao-ting conference pdf(282)
2016-08 A median loss control chart 楊素芬Yang, Su Fen、Lu, Shan Wen conference 說明頁(665)
2008-08 《古今詞統》編選「蘇辛詞」析論 侯雅文 conference
2009 Who follows whom? Asymmetric competition in cross-border market expansion 謝凱宇、Hsieh, Kai-Yu、Chen, Ming-Jer 會議論文
2005-06 政務領導、國會監督與官僚自主:台灣全民健保政策「否決者」之研究:1986~2003 陳敦源、王光旭 conference
1997 老人社區照顧--老人日間照護服務之現況與展望 呂寶靜 conference
2004-11 臺灣北部都會區人口結構和教育資源分配結構關係 林佳瑩、蔡毓智 conference
2011-06 從敦煌文獻到日用類書:論宋元間日用類書中的婚儀及其詩文之源流 楊明璋 conference 說明頁(47)
2005-11 Simulating Crowd Motion Behavior with Evolutional Method T.S. Wang、李蔡彥 conference
2014-08 Analysis of visual elements in logo design Liao, Wen-Hung、Chen, Po-Ming、廖文宏、陳柏銘 conference 說明頁(1109)
2010-11-20 《羅摩衍那》與佛教的交涉—排斥與接受 曹德啟 conference 說明頁(888)
1993 On Nonexistence Results for Some Quasilinear Equations of Elliptic Type 蔡炎龍、S.L.Wu conference
1999 A marriage with science: corpora and translation and interpretation research 張郇慧 conference
2003-04 幼兒園品質之內涵與變遷 徐聯恩、白育綺 conference
2010 當電視新聞遇上電腦圖像:電腦繪圖(CG)的真實再現 王思勻 conference pdf(800)
2005-12 尋找施濟美-鉤沈現代文學史上的「東吳女作家群」 張堂錡 conference
1995-05 Toward a Computable Approach to the Efficient Market Hypothesis: An Application of Genetic Programming Paradigm 陳樹衡、C. Yeh conference
2023-11 深度學習應用於廣告圖片分類與物件偵測研究 魏瑞成、陳家斌、李宜勳、戴鴻傑 conference pdf(0)