All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 22026-22050 of 22445
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-08 University Ties, FDI, And Firm Innovation 黃國峯 conference
2004-05 The Relation of Biblical Interpretation to the Studies of Other Arts: The Synthesis of Philosophical Theological and Mystical Languages 林質心 conference
2022-12 朝鮮後期女性烈行小說初考-以諺文小說《金氏烈行錄》為中心 林侑毅 conference pdf(53)
2000 Licking effects of 8-OH-DPAT on negitive contrast in rats Cheng, R. K. Lan, C. H. Wang, S. H. 廖瑞銘 conference
2016-06 New materialism: The implications of media archaeology on contemporary media studies 張惠嵐 conference pdf(151)
2005-06 會計師教育、考試制度與國際相互認許之研究 馬秀如 conference
1989 Comparative Research on the Environmental Beliefs and Values of Business Managers 吳思華、Chien-Min Hung conference
2022-05 以恐怖之名:李喬〈告密者〉與冷戰感覺結構 陳佩甄 conference pdf(170)
2008.05 Using the Common European Framework for self-assessment in EFL classes 馬誼蓮 conference
2004-12 Mean Reversion Tests of Put-Call Parity for Equity Index Options with Randomization and Bayesian Gibbs Sampling Viewpoint:S&P500 versus DAX 杜化宇 conference
2014-07 The value creation and governance of ecology system in creative park: The case of Taiwan 吳恩華、Yeh, Biling、Wu, Sehwa conference 說明頁(486)
1997 軍民通用科技方案滿意度調查研究 余民寧 conference
2009-06 論《西遊記》當中的「雷法「使用」--以神霄派為切入點 吳依凡 conference pdf(4361)
2007-10 Testing the \"Prominent Deck B\" phenomenon in Iowa Gambling Task 顏乃欣Chung, H. K.、Chen, K. H.、Yen, N. S.、Chang, Y. F. conference
2005-03 成為一個全球化領袖:心理學的前瞻觀 鍾思嘉 conference
2017-04 中越邊境(Tai)語首領與民族英雄儂智高的遺跡重建與廟會恢復之考察 高雅寧、Kao, Ya-Ning conference
2003-07 南韓遊戲產業開發院(KGDPI)之產業創新角色 項維欣、吳豐祥 conference
1997-04 縣市政府公務人力資源管理問題初探 施能傑 conference
2023-11 基於WebRTC的輕量級隨插即用實時影像串流管理機制 吳泓澈、廖峻鋒 conference pdf(0)
2004-11 殖民地統治下媒體城市臺北的現代性 呂紹理、李承機 conference
2022-05 敘事的時間性:生活世界的原初時間經驗 羅麗君 conference 說明頁(183)
2016-04 泗州僧伽和尚神異傳說研究──以敦煌文獻為中心的討論 楊明璋 conference
2021-11 You spin me right round: Cognitive and exertional demands in VR-based video games 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan Tammy、Bowman, Nicholas David、Wu, Dai-Yun conference 說明頁(477)
1997-06 原住民廣電節目與電台所有權之研究 劉幼琍 conference
2016-01 Enhanced hybrid traffic-aware routing protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 郭耀煌、Lo, Chun Chih、Kuo, Yau-Hwang conference 說明頁(499)