All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 22051-22075 of 22445
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-05 政府如何感知與回應民意?以中央政府新聞聯絡人的調查研究為例 廖洲棚、蕭乃沂廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、陳敦源 conference
2007-03 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症患者伴隨失眠之非藥物處置:個案報告 陳明輝、楊建銘、陳濘宏 conference
2012 Enumeration of reachable and other states of simple version of Systems of Simple Sequential Processes with Resources (S3PR) Chao, Daniel Yuh 、 Yu, Fang、趙玉、郁方 conference 說明頁(830)
2000 PRI 撥接網路管理之探討 楊峻榮  conference pdf(263)
1997 青少年自殺防治的研究 許文耀 conference
2012 Older-users` acceptance of smartcard payment systems: An investigation of an old-street venders Yu, S.-C.、Ting, C.-J.、Lu, H.-C.、Fu, Fong-Ling傅豐玲 conference 說明頁(837)
2011-10 理性?不理性?小布希發動伊拉克戰爭之研析 盧業中、Lu, Ye-Chung conference
2011-11 透過認知學習探索城市聲影之互動遊戲 黃郁茹、陳聖智、曾韻如、吳岱芸、林廷達、顧竣翔 conference
2006-11 自殺新聞的框架分析:從1995-2004年 陳憶寧 conference pdf(1311)
2006-08 Longevity Risk and Optimal Asset Allocation for a Defined Contribution Pension Plan 黃泓智 conference
1992-11 經濟管制政策變動與福利效果 王國樑 conference
2001-08 Parameter Risks of Surplus Management under a Stochastic Process 王儷玲、Larry Y. Tzeng conference pdf(1850)
2008-12 當代印尼伊斯蘭教育之改革 林長寬 conference
2016 Two-in-one oblivious signatures secure in the random oracle model 左瑞麟、Tso, Ray-Lin conference pdf(466)
2008-12 Valuation of variable annuity contracts with cliquet options in Asia markets Hsieh, Ming-hua謝明華 conference pdf(700)
2017 An Asymmetric View of Franchise Contracts. 郭曉玲、Guo, Shiau-Ling、Lumineau, Fabrice conference 說明頁(470)
2004 結構方程模式在評量科技領導效能向度上的應用 張亦華 conference
2024-03 透過教育大數據開放策略推進學習分析研究:2023-2024 呂欣澤、Lu, Owen、Hsu, Tiffany T.Y.、Liu, Zhi Qi、Huang, Anna conference pdf(13)
2016-09 從「美國因素」到「中國因素」:政商菁英在台灣新聞自由發展中的角色變遷,1949-2015 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2003-12 Bayesian Inference in Binary Logistic Regression:A Case Study of Taipei Mayoral Election 蔡佳泓 conference
2023-07 Theory of Planned Behavior Modeled Educational Technology for Waste Management Learning 簡士鎰、Chien, Shih-Yi、Sun, Qiming、Hsiao, I-Han conference 說明頁(50)
1998 台灣地區教育部公費留學教育之研究 周祝瑛 conference
2000 Shadows of Fuzzy Sets-A natural Way to Describe 2-D and Mulyi-D Fuzzy Uncertainty in Linguistic Terms 吳柏林 conference
2012-10 2012年前三季大陸經濟情勢:特點,問題和展望 魏艾Wei, Ai conference
2010-06 The effect of a rule-based sleep-improving program on actigraphic sleep in college students Hung, C. Y.、Yang, C. M.楊建銘 conference