All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 226-250 of 22445
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2001-01 Opportunities amid Crisis Cross-strait Relations under President Chen Shui-bian 趙建民 conference
2001-04 The Great Transition: How Does the DPP Handle the Cross-strait Relations? 趙建民 conference
2001-06 From Utopia and Back: DPP`s Mainland Policies A Year after Becoming A Ruling Party 趙建民 conference
2001-11 More Integration More Alienation? Cross-Strait Relations in the Twenty-First Century 趙建民、Chao, Chien-Min conference 說明頁(1214)
2003-12 NPC`s Hearing System and Inplications for China`s Future Democracy Tsun-hsiang Chang conference
2002-06 The National People`s Congress`s Oversight Power and the Role of the CCP 趙建民 conference
2002-08 The Rise of China and Sino-Japan Relations: A Taiwanese Perspective 趙建民 conference
2002-12 From Mobilizational Regime to A Limited Participatory Regime : Legislative Hearings in the People`s Republic of China 趙建民 conference
2003-05 National Security vs. Economic Interests: Reassess Taiwan`s Mainland Policy under Chen Shui-bian 趙建民 conference
2003-11 Cross-trait Policies ,Converging or Diverging ? 趙建民 conference
2003-12 The Party`s New Social Base 趙建民 conference
2005-03 新文化與新國家運動 趙建民 conference
2005-09 Cross-Strait Relations in an Era of Rising China 趙建民 conference
2005-11 Rise of China and Cross-Strait Relations 趙建民 conference
2005-11 Interdependence amid Confrontation: China-Taiwan Relations in Flux 趙建民 conference
2007-04 Political Erosion in Taiwan`s Transition to Democracy:Leadership Institutions and Political Culture 趙建民、李酉潭 conference
2002-12 產業西移與政府角色:資訊業大陸投資的政經影響 趙建民、李森永 conference
2005-11 孫中山思想與中國和平發展 趙建民、彭立忠 conference
2004-07 國防財力資源分配評估機制與模式之研究 顏良恭吳柏林吳德美 conference
2004-10 國防財力資源分配的評估機制與模式 顏良恭吳柏林吳德美 conference
2005-01 全球化、民主化與台灣主體性的多元文化:一個初步的省察 李酉潭 conference
1905-06 Presidentialism: The Optimal Choice of Constitutional Engineering in Taiwan 李酉潭 conference 說明頁(1674)
2001-09 中山先生地方自治理念在兩岸的實踐 高永光 conference pdf(1653)
2001-12 中國政治改革問題的幾個思考 吳玉麟 conference
1996-01 約翰彌勒自由觀之分析--兼論中國為什麼需要李先生(Liberty) 李酉潭 conference