All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles)

Showing 1-25 of 52144
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997-04 The Relationship between University Libraries and Computer Centers in the Information Age LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1618)
2003-12 圖書管理可以這麼有創意 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1551)
2001-09 我國檔案管理之困境與突破 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1691)
1998-09 數位化館藏發展展望 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1489)
1997-09 珍藏文獻數位化之發展現況與展望 LI-KUEI HSUEH article
1998-04 分類與編目之發展趨勢 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1589)
2004-10 The Current Status of the Archival Description Standards in the International and North America LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(2400)
2004-09 The Development Strategies of Electronic Records: United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia as Examples LI-KUEI HSUEHCHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(2068)
2004-03 The Comparison Study of Six University Archives LI-KUEI HSUEH、 蔡宜娟 、 劉純芬 article pdf(2287)
1997-03 臺灣社會資訊需求分析 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1407)
2002-12 The evolution of the public archives and the classification of archives LI-KUEI HSUEH article
2005-12 The Study of Establishing Government Records Center in Taiwan LI-KUEI HSUEHCHIAO-MIN LIN、劉純芬、陳慧聘 article pdf(2051)
2004-12 我國檔案教育現況與前瞻 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1819)
2002-09 政府資訊公開法制訂與傳播途徑 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1629)
1999-02 出版法廢止對我國圖書資料蒐集與保存之衝擊與因應 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(2112)
1999-07 邁向二十一世紀的我國公共圖書館:賀書苑季刊發行十週年 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1253)
1997-01 展望二十一世紀公共圖書館 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(2739)
1995-02 Chinese segmentation problem ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2453)
1985 To dispense with OV word order in Modern Mandarin ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1849)
1989-10 An LFG account for Chinese BEI sentences ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1947)
2009 Apparent Subject-object inversion in Chinese ONE-SOON HER article pdf(3700)
2007 Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch of Bloomsbury ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1507)
2007-01 Corpus and the nature of grammar revisited ONE-SOON HERI-PING WAN article pdf(2651)
2007-01 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese: A lexical mapping account ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2662)
2007 Between Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan`s Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy ONE-SOON HER article pdf(4092)