All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 516
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-09 論唐五代的婚嫁儀式詩文─一般文獻與敦煌文獻所見之比較 楊明璋 article 說明頁(1203)
2010-12 重走玄奘之路-海峽兩岸學術考察活動暨慶賀饒宗頤先生95華誕敦煌學國際學術研討會紀要 楊明璋 article
2011 論荀子思想的宗教性面向 梁右典、Liang, You-Dian article pdf(685)
2011-11 嘉道之際北京士大夫的崇祀鄭玄活動 車行健 article pdf(683)
2011-04 論鄭玄論語注的經注思維及其經學思想之表達 車行健 article
2010-06 田野中的經史學家──顧頡剛學術考察事業中的古蹟文物調查活動 車行健Che, Hsing-chien article pdf(1143)
2010-01 蘭亭修禊的文化闡釋──自然的發現與本體的探詢 黃偉倫、Huang, Wei-Lun article pdf(927)
2010-12 宰相.困境.家園:李德裕辭賦之罷相書寫及其陶潛巡禮 許東海、Hsu, Dong-Hai article pdf(706)
2010-06 山嶽•經典•世變-唐華山賦之山嶽書寫變創及其帝國文化觀照 許東海、Hsu, Tung-Hai article pdf(1442)
2012-03 論敦煌文學中的善惠故事─以S.3O50V、S.4480V、S.3096為主 楊明璋 article pdf(713)
2010-11 〈樂記〉「物感」美學的理論建構及其價值意義 黃偉倫、Huang, Wei-lun article pdf(361)
2010-03 敦煌本《前漢劉家太子傳》考論 楊明璋 article pdf(968)
2011-03 A Study in Marriage Ceremonies and the Applications of Poems Depicted in Dunhuang Manuscripts 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-Chang article pdf(881)
2011-07 Goddess and Bird-Shaped Doctor: The Researchof Xi Wang Mu and her Bird-shaped Bian Que imagein Han Stone Carvings 高莉芬 article pdf(1088)
2011-06 九尾狐:漢畫像西王母配屬動物圖像及其象徵考察 高莉芬、Kao, Li-feng article pdf(3779)
2011-06 導言:通過神話思考--神話研究的新視野 高莉芬、Kao, Li-Feng article pdf(1032)
2010-12 開元釋教錄中的別分乘藏錄考察 王文顏 article pdf(635)
2011-12 心性與性情︰先秦儒學思想中的“人” 林啟屏 article pdf(924)
2011-06 "Jun" (君), "Chen" (臣) and "Min" (民) in Pre-Qin Confucianist Thought 林啟屏Lin, Chi-Ping article pdf(1604)
2012-04 Immanent Transcendence: A Study of the Symbol of Yao and Shun 林啟屏Lin, Chi-Ping article pdf(966)
2010-01 Opera is Inherited by People-The Technique Inheritance and the Record Conservation of the Traditional Opera Master in Taiwan 蔡欣欣Cai, Xin-Xin article pdf(849)
2010-04 Popularity and Prohibition: The Spreading and Adaptation of `Son-Murdering` Drama in Taiwan 蔡欣欣Tsai, Hsin-hsin article pdf(845)
2012-03 《聊齋誌異》禮物書寫探析——細讀〈鳳仙〉與〈醜狐〉 高桂惠Kao, Kuei-Hui article pdf(1119)
2010-11 From Politics to Mental Character-The Context of Zhu Xi`s Commentary for Mencius 陳逢源Chen, Feng-Yuan article pdf(936)
2010-06 Analysis of the Song Scholars` Discourses on the Genealogy of the Sages-- An Exploration of the Origin of Zhu Xi`s Viewpoint on the Succession of the Way (Daotong) 陳逢源Chen, Feng-Yuan article pdf(1067)