All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 626-640 of 640
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-01 媒介空間中的注視、語言和意義:以Skype視訊為例 黃齡儀 article pdf(226)
2007-10 Extending society: The role of personal networks and gratification-utilities in the use of interactive communication media. 林淑芳、Dimmick, J.、Ramirez, Jr., A.、Wang, T.、Lin, S.-F.、Lin, Shu-Fang article pdf(221)
2007-12 Relational communication in computer-mediated interaction revisited: Three studies comparing participant-observer perspectives. 林淑芳、Ramirez, Jr., A.、Zhang, S.、McGrew, C.、Lin, Shu-Fang、Lin, Shu-Fang article pdf(285)
2008-08 Revisiting interpersonal media competition: The gratification niches of instant messaging, email, and the telephone. 林淑芳、Ramirez, Jr., A.、Dimmick, J.、Feaster, J.、Lin, Shu-Fang、Lin, Shu-Fang article pdf(282)
2004-04 The effect of new networks on U.S. TV diversity. Journal of Media Economics 林淑芳、McDonald, Daniel G.、Lin, Shu-Fang article pdf(940)
2002-01 The Internet audience: Web use as mass behavior 林淑芳、Webster, James G.、Lin, Shu-Fang article pdf(300)
2002-015 The Internet audience: Web use as mass behavior 林淑芳、Lin, S.-F.、Webster, J. article pdf(323)
2008-12 探究設計師概念構思過程中的搜尋行為特性 嚴貞、鄭霈絨、Pei-JungCheng 期刊論文 pdf(221)
2008-09 Study on Searching-retrieving Behaviour in Designers` Ideation Process 鄭霈絨、Cheng, Pei‐Jung*、Yen, Jen article pdf(198)
2007-04 Listen to "The Dance Age" in 1933: Narrated Time of Modern Machinery and Technology in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period 謝杰廷、Hsieh, Chieh-ting 期刊論文 pdf(165)
2007-01 Extending society : the role of personal networks and gratification-utilities in the use of interactive communication media. 林淑芳、Lin, Shu-Fang、Dimmick, John、Ramirez, Artemio、Wang, Tao article pdf(167)
2002-03 The Internet audience: Web use as mass behavior 林淑芳、Lin, S.-F、Webster, James G. article pdf(142)
2008-03 A Study of Voting Behavior: The Election for County Magistrates and City Mayors in 2005 劉嘉薇、Liu, Jia-Wei article pdf(249)
2004-07 A Research of the Relationship between Emotive Image and Typography of Chinese Paraphrase 鄭霈絨、嚴貞 article 說明頁(139)
2007-07 設計行動學 鄭霈絨、陳力豪 article 說明頁(180)