All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 2554
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-09 The Impacts of Surrender Options on Reserve Durations CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Tsai,Cheng-Hsien article pdf(1336)
2013.09 評估高密度寡核苷酸晶片正規化方法 黃怡婷、蘇育卉、HSUN-CHIH KUO、滕涵菁、HSUN-CHIH KUO、Su, Yu-Hui、HSUN-CHIH KUO、Terng, Harn-Jing article pdf(1225)
2010-01 Uniform Design over General Input Domains with Applications to Target Region Estimation in Computer Experiments YING-CHAO HUNGYING-CHAO HUNGYING-CHAO HUNG article pdf(1958)
2010-05-17 打造國際化的求學環境 YUNG-CHIEN LOU article
2010-04-31 創意生活體驗 孕育創意經濟發展 JEN-FANG LEE article
2010-12 R&D Collaborations in a Cluster: An Empirical Study for the Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science Park KUO-FENG HUANGCHWO-MING YUDAH-HSIAN SEETOOKUO-FENG HUANG、 Chwo-Ming Yu 、DAH-HSIAN SEETOO article pdf(1320)
2010-08 How Should We Measure Research and Development Collaboration Performance? FENG-SHANG WU、Yao, Chen-Yen、FENG-SHANG WU article pdf(1073)
2010-06 An Optimal Product Mix for Hedging Longevity Risk in Life Insurance Companies: The Immunization Theory Approach LI-LING WANGHONG-CHIH HUANGSHARON S. YANG、蔡子皓、LI-LING WANG、 Huang, H.C. 、SHARON S. YANG、 Tsai, Jeffrey T. article pdf(1651)
2010-06 Optimal MultiPeriod Asset Allocation: Matching Assets to Liabilities in a Discrete Model HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG article pdf(1310)
2011-09 Corporate Governance and Efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry LI-LING WANG、Huang,Li-Ying 、Lai,Gene C. 、 McNamara, Michael 、Wang, Jennifer article pdf(1439)
2012 The antecedents of online financial service adoption: the impact of physical banking services on Internet banking acceptance JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU、Shen,Chung-Chi article web page(2226)
2011-05 Country-of-origin and industry FDI agglomeration of foreign investors in an emerging economy DANCHI TANDANCHI TAN、 Meyer, Klaus E. article pdf(1364)
2010-02 Do Relative Leverage and Relative Distress Really Explain Size and BM Anomalies? SHINN-JUH LINSHINN-JUH LINSHINN-JUH LINCHOU ROBINSHINN-JUH LINSHINN-JUH LIN article pdf(1381)
2011-04 Robust Diagnostics for Heteroscedastic Regression Model TSUNG-CHI CHENGTSUNG-CHI CHENG article pdf(1180)
2011-12 資產減值準備與股權結構對中國上市公司有效稅率之影響 MING-CHIN CHENYI-LING LIN article pdf(1117)
2012-07 Does foreign institutional ownership motivate firms in an emerging market to increase voluntary disclosure? Evidence from Taiwan JIA-WEN LIANG、Liang, Jia-Wen 、CHEN-LUNG CHINCHEN-LUNG CHIN article pdf(1414)
2010 Environmental Uncertainty, Comprehensive Performance Measurement Systems, Performance-Based Compensation, and Organizational Performance ANNE WU article web page(1167)
2011-06 Developing Key Risk Indicators for B2B International Internet Banking: A RM-BSC Approach SHU-FENG TSENGCHIEN-CHIH YU、 江俊豪、SHU-FENG TSENGCHIEN-CHIH YU、 Chiang, Chun-Hao article pdf(1050)
2010-01 A Guide for the Upper Bound on the Number of Continuous-Valued Hidden Nodes of a Feed-Forward Network RUA-HUAN TSAIHRUA-HUAN TSAIH、Wan,Yat-wah article pdf(1178)
2011-12 Trading Mechanisms and Market Quality: Call Markets versus Continuous Auction Markets SHINN-JUH LINWEIYU KUOWEIYU KUO、 Li, Yu-Ching article web page(1437)
2013.01 Optimal Mortgage Contract Choice Decision in the Presence of the Pay Option Adjustable Rate and the Balloon Mortgage 姜堯民、Chiang, Yao-Min 、 Sa-Aadu , Jarjisu article pdf(1103)
2012-08 以智慧資本導航工具探討社福機構之婦女服務方案資源管理 施郁榛、TZU-JU PENG、Shih,Yu-Chen 、Peng,Ann Tzu-Ju article pdf(1114)
2011.06 Impact of Tick-Size Reduction on Intraday Patterns of Market Liquidity YUNG-MING SHIUYUNG-MING SHIU、 Lin,Ching-Chung 、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1197)
2010.11 Economic Determinates of Default Risks and Their Impacts on Credit Derivative Pricing SZU-LANG LIAOSZU-LANG LIAO、CHANG,JUI-JANE article pdf(1177)
2011.03 The Effect of Migration on a Similarity Index CHING-SYANG YUECHING-SYANG YUE、 Clayton, Murray K. article pdf(1155)