All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1951-1975 of 2020
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 日本國際開發合作政策中的官民聯繫 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(145)
2023-08 Cognitive Warfare of Geo-Risk: On the Media’s Role as a Missionary SHUI-HUI LI、LI, Shui-Hui article web page(143)
2023-06 Examining the Study of Chinese Foreign Policy in Taiwan's Academic Community through the "Mirror" 黃韻如、Huang, Yun-Ju article pdf(205)
2022-12 ポスト蔡英文の開始となるか—次期国政選挙前哨戦の台湾統一地方選挙 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(134)web page(112)
2023-03 人事刷新で民進党は再建めざす TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(85)web page(110)
2022-12 民進党敗北でポスト蔡英文争い加速か:統一地方選挙と台湾情勢 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(114)
2022-09 安倍元総理の逝去と今後の日台関係 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(109)web page(86)
2023-09 有力三政党の総統候補が出そろう、7月は日台関係のあり方を考える月に TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(141)web page(127)
2023-07 有力政党の総統候補が内定、鄭文燦行政院副院長の訪日 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(123)
2023-04 蔡英文総統の外遊、馬英九前総統の訪中、次期総統選挙に向けた動き TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(170)
2023-06 現前総統の両岸路線対決と次期総統候補の両岸論述 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(119)web page(109)
2023-03 紹介:呉叡人著,駒込武訳『台湾,あるいは孤立無援の島の思想――民主主義とナショナリズムのディレンマを越えて――』 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(127)
2022-10 統一地方選挙に向けた動向、安倍元総理逝去後の日台関係 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(184)
2023-01 統一地方選挙民進党の敗北とその後の政局、両岸「小三通」の再開 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(179)
2023-12 COP28氣候會議的觀察與省思 WEN-CHI YANG article pdf(57)
2023-09 Comparison of Foreign Trade Characteristics between Taiwan and Ukraine: Impact on Economic Growth and Threats to National Economic Security MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan、Babets, Iryna article web page(189)
2023-12 Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and Disaster Preparedness Cooperation: The Cross-Sectoral Partnership in Practice HAO YANG、Yang, Alan H. article web page(179)
2023-01 中美競逐下岸田內閣的綜合性戰略 WEN-TING YANG article web page(135)
2023-10 俄烏戰爭下的民主與威權對抗於臺灣之啟示 SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-Shyang article web page(123)
2023-11 A Commentary on "The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation" held in Mainland China CHIEN-WU HSUEH、Hsueh, Chien-wu article web page(95)
2019-02 中國經濟與中小企業發展概況與展望 凃京威、王彥章、許凱棻 article web page(153)
2018-10 Franchise Foreign Exchange: KMT Authoritarian Regime and the Disadvantages of Foreign Exchange Control 凃京威、高仁山、陳盛彬、Tu, Ching-wei、Kao, Jen-shann、Chen, Sheng-pin article web page(98)
2017-08 Analysis and Development of the Finance of Political Party in Taiwan 凃京威、高仁山、詹佳融、Tu, Ching-wei、Kao, Jen-shan、Chan, Chia-jung article web page(118)
2018-03 CPTPP發展及台灣參與區域經貿整合的思考 凃京威、劉宸晞 article web page(112)
2024-03 Entertainment Ideologization: The Online Games Governance of State-Society Relationship in China 林疋愔、Lin, Ya-yin article pdf(197)