All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 26-50 of 240
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-09 An Intelligent Mobile Location-Aware Book Recommendation System with Map-Based Guidance That Enhances Problem-Based Learning in Libraries Chen, Chih-Ming、 Yang, Yu-Chieh、陳志銘 article pdf(1416)
2011-07 Using emotion recognition technology to assess the effects of different multimedia materials on learning emotion and performance Chen, Chih-Ming 、 Wang, Hui-Ping、陳志銘 article pdf(1383)
2010-12 Personalized Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning System for Supporting Effective English Vocabulary Learning Chen, Chih-Ming 、 Lib, Yi-Lun、陳志銘 article 說明頁(1694)
2010-09 Intelligent Location-based Mobile News Service System with Automatic News Summarization Chen, Chih-Ming、陳志銘 article pdf(1496)
2013-03 Interactive Augmented Reality System for Enhancing Library Instruction in Elementary Schools 陳志銘、蔡雁農、Chen, Chih-Ming、Tsai, Yen-Nung article pdf(1275)
2012-12 Assessing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Emotions and Learning Performance for Visual and Verbal Style Learners Chen, Chih-Ming、陳志銘 article pdf(1686)
2010-05 Developing a Taiwan Library History Digital Library with Reader Knowledge Archiving and Sharing Mechanisms Based on the DSpace Platform Chen, Chih‐Ming 、 Chen, Yong‐Ting 、 Hong, Chin‐Ming 、 Liao, Chin‐Wen 、 Huang, Chia‐Meng、陳志銘 article pdf(1647)
2011-03 Web-based Remote Human Pulse Monitoring System with Intelligent Data Analysis for Home Healthcare Chen, Chih-Ming、陳志銘 article pdf(1236)
2010-09 A Digital Archival Study on General Education Open Courseware 陳志銘、陳勇汀、林筱芳、Chen, Chih-Ming、Chen, Yong-Ting、Lin, Hsiao-Fang article pdf(1089)
2010-01 Problem-based Learning Supported by Digital Archives-Case Study of Taiwan Libraries` History Digital Library Chen, Chih-Ming、Chen, Chia-Chi、陳志銘 article pdf(1709)
2011-05 Emotion Recognition and Communication for Reducing Second-language Speaking Anxiety in a Web-based One-to-One Synchronous Learning Environment Chen, Chih-Ming、Lee, Tai-Hung、陳志銘 article pdf(1321)
2011-03 An Exploratory Study on E-mail Management and Maintenance of Government Agencies 林巧敏、鄭伊廷、Lin, Chiao-Min、Jheng, Yi-Ting article pdf(972)
2011-03 期刊影響力指標再探 蔡明月Tsay, Ming-Yueh article
2010 “Scientometric Analysis of Science”, 1999-2008 蔡明月Tsay, Ming-Yueh article
2011-06 臺灣地區檔案典藏機構數位化作業現況分析 林巧敏、鄭伊廷 article pdf(807)
2011-03 中文名稱權威資料庫合作發展 林巧敏、林淑芬、Lin, Chiao-Min article pdf(994)
2010-06 圖書館、博物館與檔案館資源整合與分享研討綜述 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min article pdf(1287)
2013-03 Knowledge Input for the Domain of Information Science: A Bibliometric and Citation Analysis Study 蔡明月Tsay,Ming-yueh article pdf(1256)
2013-05 Journal clustering of library and information science for subfield delineation using the bibliometric analysis toolkit: CATAR 蔡明月Tseng, Yuen-Hsien Tsay,Ming-Yueh article pdf(1416)
2013.05 我國與韓國總統文件管理發展歷程比較 吳宇凡 薛理桂Wu,Yu-Fan Hsueh, Li-Kuei article pdf(977)
2012.12 社會科學的大學教師電子期刊論文閱讀行為之研究 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling article pdf(830)
2013.03 數位課程教學模式與應用:知識組織與資訊取用課程實例探討 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling article pdf(830)
2013.05 中國大陸的社會科學教師與研究人員電子期刊閱讀行為調查 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling article pdf(953)
2013.05 從電子書數位閱讀探討圖書館推廣策略 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling article pdf(972)
2013.09 數位典藏資訊網易用性評估:以人文社會科學相關領域中綱計畫成果資訊網為例 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min article pdf(897)