All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 1-25 of 547
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 Apparent Subject-object inversion in Chinese 何萬順 article pdf(3700)
2007 Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch of Bloomsbury 何萬順 article pdf(1507)
2007-01 Corpus and the nature of grammar revisited 何萬順、萬依萍 article pdf(2651)
2007-01 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese: A lexical mapping account 何萬順 article pdf(2662)
2007 Between Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan`s Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy One-Soon Her article pdf(4092)
2006-08 Justifying Part-of-speech Assignments for Mandarin Gei 何萬順、One-Soon, Her article pdf(4433)
2005-12 「全球化」與「在地化」:從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 何萬順 article pdf(1294)
2005-03 `Driving` towards simplicity: In (partial) defense of the `armchair linguist` One-Soon Her article pdf(1886)
2004-12 Argument-Function Linking in Resultatives 何萬順 article pdf(5824)
2007 Linking agentive objects in Mandarin Chinese One-Soon Her article pdf(1801)
2006-06 土耳其語中「在格」,「從格」及「到格」與漢語對譯問題初探—以《Hitit》第一冊教材為例 曾蘭雅 article pdf(4961)
2003-09 Intrapsychological force-dynamic interaction: Verbs of refraining in Hakka 賴惠玲、強舒媺、Lai, Huei-Ling 、 Chiang, Shu-Mei article pdf(1453)
2005-06 Breath-Group Theory VS. Declination Theory: Evidence from Chinese Aphasics 薩文蕙 article pdf(2079)
2006-05 盯梢東區──伊安辛克萊的《白教堂、紅血跡》、《騰出疆域》 陳音頤 article pdf(1299)
2006-06 The Relation of Biblical Interpretation to the Studies of Other Arts: the Synthesis of Philosophical Theological and Mystical Languages in Bonaventure`s The Reduction of Arts to Theology 林質心 article pdf(1945)
2003 On the universality of face: evidence from Chinese compliment response behavior? 余明忠Yu, Ming-chung article pdf(659)
2004-04 回歸完整和渲染空缺:福爾摩斯偵探故事的雙向敘述驅力 陳音頤 article
2001-10 The Placement of English Adverbial Clauses in Narrative Texts of Native Speakers and Chinese College Students 尤雪瑛Yu, Hsueh-ying article pdf(954)
2005-04 尋找英語學習的新樂園:英語自學措施分類與分析 招靜琪 article pdf(389)
2005-06 Temporal patterning of speech and iconic gestures in conversational discourse 徐嘉慧、Chui, Kawai、Kawai Chui article pdf(2005)
2000-07 英語聽力教學 葉潔宇 article
2001-07 我國國中英語教學革新現況調查之研究 蘇順發 article
2007-08 Discourse Grammar for Academic Reading: Textual Relationships 尤雪瑛Yu, Hsueh-ying article pdf(912)
2006-10 從大學入學考試英文試題演變談三十年間臺灣高中英語教學的變革 尤雪瑛Yu, Hsueh-ying article 說明頁(1048)
2004-04 WebQuest在英語教學上的運用:中學教師學習歷程之分析 招靜琪 article pdf(495)