All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 976-1000 of 2108
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012.06 頌缽者療遇初探(一):頌缽之音與心靈冥視關連之探討/應用心理研究 SHIH-HUI LIN article pdf(1137)
2012.06 線上諺語課程開發研究 QING-ZHI CHEN article web page(1427)
2012-01 「影像消費與通俗文化」總結 YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article pdf(1030)
2009.06 Influence or ‘Influenza’? Pamela, Anti-Pamela, and the Tradition of Women’s Amatory Fiction JING-FEN SUJING-FEN SU article pdf(1139)
2009.06 綏夫特即格理弗?從《格理弗遊記》卷頭插畫與前頁論作者身分與虛構性之關係 JING-FEN SUJING-FEN SU article pdf(903)
2012 EFL Learners` Beliefs about Reading and Language Proficiency LI-YUAN HSU article web page(1708)
2013 Metaphor of Travel: Virginia Woolf`s Orlando (1928). CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article pdf(819)
2012.12 Like a bell responding to a striker -- Instruction contingent on assessment SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG article pdf(566)
2012.03 Pushing learners to work through tests and marks: Motivating or demotivating? - A case in a Taiwanese university SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG article pdf(1132)
2011.04 Convergent vs. divergent assessment: Impact on EFL students`` motivation and self-regulated learning strategies SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG article pdf(1343)
2014-09 Mimicked gestures and the joint construction of meaning in conversation KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article pdf(1354)
2014.09 Inner Contradictions in English-medium Instruction in Higher Education: From An Activity Theory Perspective. YI-PING HUANGYI-PING HUANG article pdf(981)
2006-09 日治初期臺灣統治政策論的再考-以《時事新報》對漢人統治與拓殖務省問題的討論為中心 SU HSIA YANG article pdf(893)
2006.12 アジア貿易圈の視點から世論の初期台湾統治論の一考察-『大阪每日新聞』を対象に- SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article web page(1668)
2008.12 1890年代北海道對「日本」忠誠心之展示:以征臺屯田將校凱旋慶祝會為探討對象 SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article web page(2637)
2012.07 日露戦争期における「北進日本」史観の特徴 SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article web page(1312)
2012.09 1920年代における植民地台湾の政治運動の再考―明治維新解釈の視点から― SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article pdf(3082)
2014-06 Teaching Content Via English: A Qualitative Case Study of Taiwanese University Instructors` Instruction. YI-PING HUANGYI-PING HUANG article pdf(828)
2010-12 從契訶夫筆下的女性空間探討19世紀末的俄國女性議題 SHIN-HWA LIUSHIN-HWA LIU article pdf(1188)
2014-06 Cosmopolitan normalisation? The Culture of Remembrance of World War II and the Holocaust in Unified Germany 陶克思、Thonfeld, Christoph article pdf(2374)
2005-03 「東南亞穆斯林國家的宗教融合與衝突:馬來西亞與印尼的研究」分支計畫簡介 FONG-MAO LEEYUAN-LIN TSAI、陳美華、林長寬、蔡宗德 article pdf(1836)
2014-06 Cosmopolitan Normalisation? The Culture of Remembrance of World War II and the Holocaust in Unified Germany Christoph Thonfeld、陶克思 article pdf(2716)
2011-12 論西夏語的態範疇 PEI-CHI CHANG article web page(867)
2013-01 論俄語動詞體的三頭馬車現象 PEI-CHI CHANG article web page(1272)
2008.01 政大非英語系國家新生之英語能力研究 CHIH-MIN CHOUCHIH-MIN CHOU article pdf(1236)