All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1326-1350 of 2076
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-06 「~がたい」的語意特殊化-包含「~がたい」與と中文「難以~」的對應- SHU-CHIN WANGSHU-CHIN WANG article pdf(390)
2018 顏色多義詞:「黑/烏」與「白」在臺灣華語、臺灣客語以及臺灣閩南語之分析 Lai, Huei-ling、Chung, Siaw-Fung article pdf(389)
2012-04 Application of data envelopment analysis on the indicators contributing to learning and teaching performance Huang, Shio-Ling、Lee, Chia-Chi、Lin, Tyrone T. article pdf(445)
2017-04 立法院第9屆第3會期司法及法制委員會「公務人員退休撫卹法草案」公聽會意見書 MING-CHENG KUO article web page(544)
2017-05 貫徹三代契約─勞動世代、退休世代與未來世代三贏的策略 MING-CHENG KUO article web page(1117)
2016-09 一夫一妻是伊斯蘭社會的精神 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(523)
2017-02 川普羽翼下的阿拉伯世界 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(460)
2016-12 何不做一天身障者的義工 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(470)
2017-09 兩種孤獨 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(432)
2017-01 阿拉伯人何去何從? HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(545)
2016-11 阿拉伯人眼中的「美女」 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(624)
2017-04 阿拉伯世界新民族主義的崛起 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(483)
2016-08 建設另一個自由的「我」 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(418)
2017-04 政治不顧法理 世界亂象根源 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(562)
2017-06 活下去 何妨? HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(810)
2017-09 看見伊斯蘭教義「簡樸、靈活與理性」的真實面 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(769)
2017-07 效忠儀式 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(533)
2017-05 高跟鞋 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(600)
2017-03 穆斯林的情人節 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(521)
2013-03 Perspective to ("External" of) language in the medieval Zen poetics : Disproportionate responding relationship between language and "Mind" NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(350)
2012-03 Wandering Canon : Re-narration about "foundations of Gozan Literature" NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(283)
2011-03 Who writes poetry? : "décréation", mechanism of "creation" in Zen Poetics of the Middle Ages NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(256)
2010-02 A note on "Kakku" : An im/possibility of a postulate of the methodology in Zen poetics of the middle ages NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(213)
2008-03 What is "the language" in Zen? : Horizon that make the discourse of "Shi-Zen-Ichi-Mi" (poetry is the same as Zen) possible NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(260)
2005-03 What is "the language" in Zen? : Horizon that make the discourse of "Shi-Zen-Ichi-Mi" (poetry is the same as Zen) possible NATSUO SANTOH article pdf(254)