All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1551-1575 of 2076
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-12 Forecasting Financial Indicators and Providing an Effective Selection Method for Suppliers THI-NHAM LE、Le, Thi-Nham、Wang, Chia-Nan、Huang, Ying-Fang article pdf(312)
2016-04 An Innovative Approach to Enhance the Sustainable Development in Japanese Automobile Suppliers Wang, Chia-Nan、Huang, Ying-Fang、THI-NHAM LE、Le, Thi-Nham、Ta, Thanh-Tuan article pdf(321)
2016 Kırgız Dili ve Diyalektleri [Kyrgyz Language and It’s Dialects by B. M. Yunusaliev] (Translation from Kyrgyz into Turkish) ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article
2016 Kırgız Diyalektlerinin Söz Varlığı Katmanları [Lexical Layers of Kyrgyz Dialects by B. M. Yunusaliev] (Translation from Kyrgyz into Turkish) ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article
2010 Kırgız Ulusal Oyunları [Kyrgyz National Games] kyzy, A. Marat、ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article
2019-08 Kırgızcada Standart Olumsuzluk [Standard Negation in Kyrgyz Language] ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article pdf(367)
2018-12 Kırgızlarda Yedi Ata Kavramı [The Kyrgyz Concept of Seven Forefathers] ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article pdf(352)
2016 Lexical Layers of Kyrgyz Dialects by B. M. Yunusaliev [Kırgız Diyalektlerinin Söz Varlığı Katmanları] (Translation from Kyrgyz into Turkish) ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article
2019-05 The Turkic Kinship System ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article pdf(295)
2016-01 Türk Dillerinde İkili-Çoklu Kapsayan Ayrımı [Dual/Plural Inclusive in Turkic Languages] ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article web page(438)
2015 Türk Dillerinde Zamirlerin Dil Bilgiselleşmesi [Grammaticalization of Pronouns in Turkic languages] ERHAN TASBAS、Taşbaş, Erhan article
2014-11 臺灣의 韓國語 敎育 發展을 爲한 提言 -온라인 敎育을 中心으로- BYUNG-SUN PARK article
2018-09 한국어학 전공자를 위한 전문 용어 병렬 데이터베이스 구축 BYUNG-SUN PARK article pdf(404)
2019-05 The Education of Korean Language and Culture in Taiwan BYUNG-SUN PARK article web page(494)
2019-08 대만의 한국어 교재 개발 현황과 과제 BYUNG-SUN PARK article
2019-03 The Unbreakable Link of Syrian State-Business Relationships: Its Impact on Turkey-based Expatriate Syrian Businesspeople CHING-AN CHANGCHING-AN CHANG article web page(650)
2018-06 The Expatriate Syrian Businessmen in Anti-Assad Political Organizations CHING-AN CHANGCHING-AN CHANG article
2006-09 Derrida``s Deconstruction and the Rhetoric of Proper Genres in Leonardo and Lessing SHUN-LIANG CHAOSHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(409)
2009-02 Book Review: Metaphor by David Punter, 2007. London and New York: Routledge SHUN-LIANG CHAOSHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(198)
2006-05 To Form a New Compound: Eliot, Bergson, and Cubism SHUN-LIANG CHAOSHUN-LIANG CHAO article
2014-06 ``Le vertige de l``hyperbole``: Baudelaire, Longinus, and the Poetics of Excess SHUN-LIANG CHAOSHUN-LIANG CHAO article
2016-11 由《同文彙考》論朝鮮後期使臣對周邊國家的認識——以對臺灣鄭氏政權及安南西山阮朝的論述為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi article pdf(246)
2019-06 秦皇安在,姜女未亡——朝鮮燕行錄中孟姜女談論的時代演變及文體考察 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi article web page(520)
2019-02 朝鮮正祖朱子選本編纂與中國文獻關係芻論 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi article pdf(288)
2018-03 연행록을 통해 본 淸代 地方秀才 齊佩蓮의 생애와 朝鮮使臣과의 교유 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi article pdf(301)