All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 4726-4750 of 5258
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-12 論1930年代抗戰後上海知識份子的分化 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju article web page(159)
2020-09 翻轉課堂實踐與思考——廣告教學融入日本電通「HEX」元素 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju article
2020-09 在甲骨文中尋找楚人蹤跡:一個學術史的回顧 YU-AN KU、Ku, Yu-an article web page(418)
2020-08 說傳鈔古文字的「葉 」字──兼談甲骨文的「葉雲」 YU-AN KU、Ku, Yu-an article pdf(244)
2021-06 The Classicism Courses under the Higher Education System of the Republic of China: From the Mainland to Taiwan HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(265)
2021-06 Arrogance of Academic Achievement: On Wei Ju Xian and Sun Ci Zhou Competition on Discussing History and Skepticism of Antiquity for Discourse Rights CHIH-HUANG CHOUCHIH-HUANG CHOU article pdf(262)
2020-12 新綴的史語所YH127坑改製背甲 HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN article web page(223)
2021-06 一個人的「愛蓮說」:讀黃文輝《儂家正住蓮花地》 TANG-CHI CHANGTANG-CHI CHANG article pdf(225)
2021-09 舊體詩詞如何入現當代文學史? TANG-CHI CHANGTANG-CHI CHANG article web page(397)
2021-08 《四庫全書》收錄《易》著之《易》學史意義與考辨研究概況 RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article web page(310)
2021-06 An Analysis on Zhu Sheng`s Theory on Xiang-shu in Yi RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article pdf(230)
2020-06 「肉感」與摩登上海:試窺二三O年代現代小說中的肉體、視覺與現代性 SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(237)
2020-12 The Chivalrous Burglar of a Thousand Faces: Arsène Lupin and Sun Liaohong’s Legends of Lu Ping SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(221)
2021-06 Research on Zeng Gongqiu Zhong`s Inscription and Text Structure TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-Chi article pdf(230)
2021-09 漢字裡的東洋-日本漢學家白川靜甲骨文研究述論 TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-Chi article pdf(261)
2020-06 The Meaning of the Title of `Fang Zheng` and `Ya Liang` in Shi Shuo Xin Yu YU-MIN SHIAUYU-MIN SHIAU article pdf(347)
2021-06 從「地方鄉土」到「日本精神」―戰爭期臺灣的文化動員邏輯 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article
2021-06 What is Combat Literature? : Take the narrative features and language rhetoric of the novel ‘Art in the Army’ (1954-1956) as an example MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article pdf(234)
2008-12 臺灣光復與黨國認同──臺灣光復節之歷史研究(1945-2007) JYUN-YU JHOU、Jhou, Jyun-yu article web page(281)
2021-06 戰後臺灣政治史研究回顧與展望(2018-2019) GUO-SIAN LINGUO-SIAN LIN article pdf(301)
2007-12 「時代創造青年」──從戰後臺灣的青年節慶祝看國家權力對青年的形象塑造(1950-1975) JYUN-YU JHOU、Jhou, Jyun-yu article pdf(292)
2021-01 Probe into the Rise of Islamic Political Parties from the Transition of the Relations between Politics and Religion in Contemporary Turkey YUAN-LIN TSAIYUAN-LIN TSAI article pdf(304)
2021-04 Enabling and Constraining Classical Confucian Political Philosophy - A commentary on Sungmoon Kim’s Theorizing Confucian Virtue Politics: The Political Philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi HUA WANGHUA WANG article
2020-09 荀子對儒家人文主義的貢獻 HUA WANGHUA WANG article pdf(184)
2021-02 做天下第一等事:論儒學如何能為生民立命? YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article web page(211)