All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 5026-5050 of 5226
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-03 Operation, development, opportunities and challenges of a human library in Taiwan CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN、Wong, Fung Mei article web page(188)
2023-06 Public Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Archive Issues on Internet Forums in Taiwan CHIAO-MIN LIN、李育賢、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Li, Yu-hsien article web page(156)
2023-03 Treating Disease, Strengthening the Body and Reforming Nationality: Jiang Weiqiao’s Meditative Sitting and the Body Experiences in Early Republican China HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN article web page(147)
2020-09 Immortality and Longevity: Hsi-Wang-Mu and Her Immortal Daoist Skills in Tales of Emperor Wu of Han LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(161)web page(125)
2022-12 Mother God, Myths and Sacred History: The Cosmogonic Myth and Its Symbolic Implications in Yao Ming Gui Pan LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(137)web page(122)
2023-01 The Development and Evolution of Chinese Guandi 關帝 Worship in Modern Japan: The Guandi Temple in Kobe LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(167)
2020-12 Hearsay: Re-discussion on the Friendship between Su Che and Huang Ting-jian YING-CHIEH CHENYING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(137)web page(91)
2023-03 A Triple Dialogue with the Image of "Kou Po-Chuan": An Analysis of the Social Construction and Narrative Memory in Kou Po-Chuan's Serial Biography SHIH-YUN LO、Lo, Shih-yun article web page(95)
2023-04 Trauma and Repair during Adolescence: On War Memories and Growth Writing in Chen Hui-Chen'`s The Wandering Lamb and Wen Shin's The Mud Road SHIH-YUN LO、Lo, Shih-yun article web page(94)
2023-02 [Book Review] Capturing the Elusive Self HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(130)
2022-12 Ethical Theoretical Reflections on Social Media: Place of the Human Being in the Digital Space WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI、Chistyakova, Olga Vasil`evna article web page(146)
2023-04 The Ownmost Potentiality-for-Being as Ought-to-Be WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI article web page(128)
2022-12 Edward Carpenter's Humane Sexology in China: The Cultural Translation and Adaption of Discourses on Homosexuality and Heterosexuality in Republican China HUI-CHI HSU、Hsu, Rachel Hui-chi article web page(135)
2023-06 朱注《孟子》歷史思惟探賾――以經學方法論為考察對象 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(119)
2022-03 書寫西洋鏡:論陸澹盦偵探影戲小說的跨文化轉化實踐 SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(97)
2023-06 1930年代台灣文壇的民間文學收集、整理及其意義 MAL-SOON CHOI article
2023-06 成為「國民」:國家總動員體制下台韓的女性動員論述 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article web page(144)
2023-01 From the Social Gospel to the Pentecostal Movement: On Wang Zhaoxiang’s 汪兆翔 Faith Transformation HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-chin article web page(137)
2020-01 東南亞儒學幾點思考——以馬來西亞為主要觀察對象 黎競檜 article web page(64)
2019-07 馬來西亞獨立前殖民期間儒學首要讀本《道之本原全體要論》研究 黎競檜、Hou, Jian article web page(102)
2020-10 語言探索與字詞計算詞典2015中文版之修訂 CHIA-LIN LEE、林瑋芳、黃金蘭、林以正、CHIA-LIN LEE、Lin, Wei-fang、Huang, Chin-lan、Lin, Yi-cheng、Pennebaker, James W. article web page(81)
2023-07 Deep learning-based assessment of knee septic arthritis using transformer features in sonographic modalities CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Lai, Kuo-Lung article web page(172)
2023-07 Modeling the Survival of Colorectal Cancer Patients based on Colonoscopic Features in a Feature Ensemble Vision Transformer CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Yang, Yi-Wen、Lin, Jen-Kou、Lin, Tzu-Chen、Chen, Wei-Shone、Yang, Shung-Haur、Chang, Shih-Ching、Wang, Huann-Sheng、Lan, Yuan-Tzu、Lin, Hung-Hsin, Huang, Sheng-Chieh、Cheng, Hou-Hsuan、Jiang, Jeng-Kai、Lin, Chun-Chi article web page(178)
2023-12 「比」、「興」、「文學」─王夢鷗與徐復觀文論之異趣 YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(154)
2022-09 [書評] 元代《易》學類型研究 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(85)