All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 5076-5100 of 5226
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-12 《莊子》中「自生」「自化」的一種解釋——兼談文本詮釋的幾個思考 YU-MIN SHIAU article web page(100)
2023-08 The Chinshō Yasha-hō 鎮將夜叉法 and the Adaptation of Tendai Esoteric Ritual PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying article web page(104)
2023-06 Comparative Research on Chishui Jintan: A Focus on Local Taoism in Northeast Jiangxi CHEN-YUAN LIN、呂燁、CHEN-YUAN LIN、Lü, Ye article web page(98)
2023-08 Book review: “Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom” HUA WANGHUA WANG article web page(109)
2021-02 Rethinking Zhu Xi’s Li: “Principle of Existence” or “Pattern”? KAI CHIU NG、Ng, Kai-chiu article web page(81)
2023-11 Analysis of errors in Mandarin disyllabic tones produced by Vietnamese speakers JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh article web page(165)
2023-10 A game-based augmented reality navigation system to support makerspace user education in a university library CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Yang, Ya-Chu article web page(161)
2022-09 Ladies’ Day: Changing Views of Female Fandom and the Chicago Cubs, 1919–69 WILLIAM JOSEPH EATONWILLIAM JOSEPH EATON article web page(96)
2019-12 From Olympic Boycott to Soft Power: The PRC’s Evolving Olympic Aspirations, 1980-2008 WILLIAM JOSEPH EATONWILLIAM JOSEPH EATON article web page(108)
2022-06 Lost in Translation: David Bailie Warden, the Abbé Grégoire's De la littérature des Nègres, and the Limits to Franco-Jeffersonian Cultural Exchange WILLIAM JOSEPH EATONWILLIAM JOSEPH EATON article web page(110)
2023-12 Discussion and Instant Analysis Mechanism of Moodle E-learning Platform and Group Incentive Mechanism of Collaborative Problem-based Learning Platform to Promote Learning Effectiveness in Distance Learning CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN article pdf(130)
2023-12 Overshadowed by Ableism: Disabilities and “Bodies of Familial Shame” in Yuan Qiongqiong’s Fiction from the Martial Law Period TA-WEI CHITA-WEI CHI article pdf(4)
2023-06 指南薪傳──高明先生逝世三十週年紀念專輯前言 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(106)
2023-09 詩經在中小學國語文教學的實踐專輯前言 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(90)
2021-09 書評:《主體、工夫與行動:朱熹哲學的新探索》 KAI CHIU NG article web page(72)
2023-06 楊祖漢先生朱子新詮的成果及其未解之疑難 KAI CHIU NG、Ng, Kai-chiu article web page(91)
2023-04 精微之教:陳淳學術與《四書大全》徵引內容考察 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(82)
2023-08 The Bureau of Sinology and Its Early Development, 1927–1934 HSIN-FANG WU、Wu, Hsin-fang article web page(133)
2023-09 宋代的法術傳統:以王文卿及「玉樞五雷法」為中心 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article web page(137)
2023-06 評Roy Tseng, Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism YUAN-TSE LIN article web page(116)
2023-09 The language of tactile thought HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(98)
2024-06 Towards a More Resilient Ecosystem: Case Study of Open Government Data in Taiwan Lee, Pei-Chun、PEI CHUN LEE article web page(154)
2023-11 繪本融入國小性平教育課程對於低年級學童身體自主權認知之影響 CHIAO-MIN LIN、邱稚妍、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Chiu, Chih-yen article web page(111)
2023-11 The Impact of Integrating Information Technology into Elementary School English Language Teaching on Students' Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction CHIAO-MIN LIN、王俐蒓 article web page(110)
2023-05 圖書館運用口述史料的倫理議題及其因應之道 CHIAO-MIN LIN、李嘉臻、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Lee, Chia-chen article web page(128)