All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2701-2725 of 3024
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-11 忽略「不等者不等之」的市場封阻性授權金規範--有線電視頻道代理商對新進系統業者授權金差別待遇系列判決之競爭法論析 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. article pdf(145)
2021-10 聯合行為合意之概念、認定與證明方法:理論與實務的交互辯證 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. article pdf(342)
2022-03 The Removal of Chairman and the Battle of Corporate Control CHENG-FONG CHOU、Chou, Cheng-Fong article web page(193)
2022-01 The Fund-raising Function of the Capital Market: Taiwan Innovation Board and Pioneer Stock Board CHENG-FONG CHOU、Chou, Cheng-Fong article pdf(153)
2021-05 會計師酬金標準兩難局面的解決之道 LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article web page(121)
2022-06 Rape Victims’ Agency Redefined: Identity and Emotion in Legal Consciousness HSIAO-TAN WANG、盧穎鈺、HSIAO-TAN WANG、Lu, Yin-yu article web page(336)
2022-09 An Analysis of Section 178 of Taiwan Company Act and Alternating Mechanisms to Deal with Shareholders` Conflicts of Interest CHENG-FONG CHOU、Chou, Cheng-fong article web page(294)
2003-04 民事訴訟與行政訴訟之分工與合作(上)--專業審判與權利有效救濟間之選擇 沈冠伶 article web page(155)
2022-05 法律系職涯規劃與新興領域之互動 YAO-MING HSU article web page(165)
2022-06 氣候變遷與國際人權法--健康環境權之肯認 YAO-MING HSU article web page(191)
2022-05 歐盟碳邊境調整措施機制與產業因應:法律人新藍海 YAO-MING HSU article web page(201)
2022-01 EU Electronic Communications Legal Framework and Practices on the Issues of Applying Competition Law to Infrastructure Sharing in Broadband Era HSIN FANG WEI、Wei, Hsin-fang article web page(140)
2021-05 賓士汽車勝訴的理由-評智慧財產法院106年民專訴字第34號判決的競爭分析 HSIN FANG WEI article web page(166)
2021-04 Proving the Existence of an Agreement and Communication Evidence--Reviewing the TFTC`s Decision on the Pre-mixed Concrete Case HSIN FANG WEI、Wei, Hsin-fang article web page(151)
2022-08 Improving Competition Investigation Procedure and Advocating the Law Amendment in Taiwan HSIN FANG WEI、Wei, Hsin-fang article web page(226)
2022-06 應有部分之善意取得與有償無權處分–評最高法院108年度台上字第26號民事判決 CHIEN-WEI WANG article web page(215)
2022-06 足使農牧林業用地為「通常使用」之通行權不能捨棄防災防火需求/以臺灣高等法院臺中分院109年度上字第98號民事判決為範例 JIIN-YU WU article web page(242)
2023-06 New Evaluation of Patent Infringement in the Cross-Border Divided Transactions-In terms of Patent Economic Value CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(278)
2022-08 Evaluation of Computer Software Patent Eligibility under Patent Law CHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(159)
2022-06 我國非法專利申請救濟法制之再精進與前瞻 CHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(195)
2022-01 我國專利權無效雙軌制之互動與調和--以「一事不再理」法效之詮釋為中心 CHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(124)
2022-05 海商法運送人責任期間與起訴時效 CHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(119)
2022-03 Review and Reconstruction of Taiwanese Patent Law on Damages in Terms of Reasonable Royalties: Focusing upon the Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1, Article 97 of Taiwan Patent Act CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(165)
2021-11 營業秘密侵害之侵害者所得利益損害賠償—以營業秘密法第13條第1項第2款之合理詮釋為中心 CHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(179)
2019-11 以管委會為被告之確定判決效力主觀範圍--評最高法院98年度台上字第790號民事判決 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(168)