All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2401-2425 of 3024
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-05 不明財產來源說明義務與不自證己罪特權的衝突 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(210)
2019-11 Recidivists and the Decision of Aggravated Discretionary Punishment: Comments on the J.Y. Interpretation No.755 and the Subsequent Judicial Practice HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(346)
2019-11 A Review on the Amendment to Money Laundering Offenses: Focusing on the Development of Taiwan`s Criminal Practice HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(303)
2019-03 過失共同正犯の因果関係代替作用について HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(166)
2018-09 由美國憲法論大學自治的憲法問題 YUAN-HAO LIAOYUAN-HAO LIAO article pdf(199)
2016-04 呵佛罵祖貶上帝--言論自由或仇恨言論? YUAN-HAO LIAOYUAN-HAO LIAO article pdf(178)
2017-04 宗教自由與同性婚姻--真的衝突?或假的對立? YUAN-HAO LIAOYUAN-HAO LIAO article pdf(244)
2002-07 Teilschuld, Gesamtschuld und unechte Gesamtschuld CHIEN-WEI WANGCHIEN-WEI WANG article web page(403)
2019-01 第一次銷售之擬制同意與權利耗盡:評智慧財產法院105年度民商上字14號判決 CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(230)
2019-06 破解二元對立,改寫能動主體:性暴力受害者脆弱性的正面意義 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(606)
2019-04 The Rise of Robo-Advisors and the Protection of Investors–An Analysis Based on the Law and Experience in the U.S. CHENG-FONG CHOU、Chou, Cheng-Fong article web page(267)
2020-01 過失犯罪與正當防衛 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU periodical articles web page(579)
2019-06 Study on L3C Legislation in the U.S. and the Future Legal Reform for Social Enterprise in Taiwan CHENG-FONG CHOU、吳佩蓮 article pdf(354)
2019-09 Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict HSIAO-TAN WANG、Wang, Hsiao-Tan  article pdf(452)
2019-11 出租人之修繕義務與承租人之自行修繕權 CHIEN-WEI WANGCHIEN-WEI WANG article pdf(347)
2002-04 論可分債務、連帶債務與不真正連帶債務(上) CHIEN-WEI WANGCHIEN-WEI WANG article pdf(240)
2019-09 低學分門檻的法學教育態勢與司法國是會議建議的迴響, WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article web page(280)
2015-06 公辦民營學校之法律定位與經營契約性質/最高行 99 判 606 判決 CHIN-WEN WUCHIN-WEN WU article web page(235)
2019-06 行政契約之開拓與深耕–由吳庚教授採取之定義與適用出發。 CHIN-WEN WUCHIN-WEN WU article pdf(315)
2015-03 政黨自治與自律的界限 CHIN-WEN WUCHIN-WEN WU article web page(289)
2014-04 被認定為廢棄物的言論/高高行99簡214簡易判決 CHIN-WEN WUCHIN-WEN WU article web page(218)
2019-11 專利侵權者所得利益與損害賠償計算之新視野-以智慧財產法院104年民專訴字第50號為中心 CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article web page(294)
2019-08 The Theory and Practice of Apportionment in Patent Damages - in Terms of Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 97 of Taiwan Patent Act CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article pdf(258)
2019-12 過失犯罪與正當防衛 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(362)
2019-04 「噪音」與「容忍限度」 GUANG-YUEH CHENGUANG-YUEH CHEN article pdf(201)