
Showing 276-300 of 1980
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2012-06 全球化與工業地域再生 邊泰明、廖皇傑 article 說明頁(802)
2011-03 台灣地區製藥產業網絡與跨區合作創新之研究 邊泰明、廖皇傑 article 說明頁(874)
2011-09 選舉結果機率之分析-以2006年與2008年台灣選舉為例 童振源、周子全、林繼文、林馨怡Tung,Chen-Yuan、Chou,Tzu-Chuan、Lin,Jih-Wen、Lin,Hsin-Yi article pdf(1074)
2012-06 貝氏多層次模型在台灣不動產市場估價之應用─以台北市住宅建物為例 林祖嘉、馬毓駿、Lin,Chu-Chia、Ma,Yu-Chun article pdf(857)
2011-07 股價目標區政策對股價及總體經濟穩定性效果之分析 方中柔Fang,Chung-Rou article pdf(887)
2010-07 新凱因斯前瞻性模型下釘住名目所得政策的優越性:以利率作為操作目標之探討 方中柔Fang,Chung-Rou article pdf(811)
2010-05 匯率目標區體制下匯率與利率差之波動:異質民眾預期的研究 方中柔、陳孟甫、Fang,Chung-Rou、Chen,Meng-Fu article pdf(921)
2012-12 通貨膨脹持續性—分量自我迴歸模型之應用 林馨怡、彭竣永、Lin,Hsin-Yi、Peng,Jun-Yong article pdf(759)
2010-03 通貨膨脹與貿易開放性之關係-分量迴歸於追蹤資料的應用 林馨怡、陳佩玗、Lin,Hsin-Yi、Chen,Pei-Yu article pdf(992)
2012-07 不同公司治理情境之股權評價:類神經模糊專家系統之應用 高惠松、李建然、陳樹衡、Kao,Hui-Sung 、Lee,Jan-Zan 、Chen,Shu-Heng article pdf(1109)
2011-11 Do the ASEAN Countries and Taiwan Form a Common Currency Area? Binner,Jane Chen,Shu-Heng 、Lai,Ke-Hung 、Mullineux,Andrew 、Swofford,James L.、陳樹衡 article pdf(1179)
2010-03 擴大政府公共投資支出之經濟成長方案是否依然有效? 李秉正、張其祿、李慧琳、Li,Ping-Cheng 、Jang,Chyi-Lu 、Lee,Huey-Lin article pdf(769)
2012-04 Monopolistic Competition and Increasing Returns: Implications for Optimal Fiscal Policies and Over-entry Chen,Chien-Yin、Hung,Fu-Sheng、洪福聲 article pdf(986)
2012-10 Fishery Subsidies, Illegal Fuel Trading, and Conservation Hung,Chih-Ming 、Weng,Yungho article pdf(1030)
2012-01 Is the Honeymoon Effect Valid in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and Output Expectations? A Graphical Analysis Lai,Ching-chong、Fang,Chung-rou article pdf(1099)
2011-07 The Effect of Dual Exchange Rates System in a Financial Crisis: A Target Zone Perspective Fang,Chung-rou article pdf(951)
2010-11 Relationships between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis from Greater China Fang,Chung-rouLin,Chu-Chia、Cheng,Hui-Pei article pdf(877)
2010-02 Asymmetric Information, Government Fiscal Policies, and Financial Development Hung,Fu-Sheng、Lee,Chien-Chiang article pdf(1418)
2010 Social Norms and Emission Tax: Multiple Equilibria in Adopting Pollution Abatement Device Ho,Shirley J. article pdf(874)
2010-02 A Revisit of the Relation between Central Bank Independence and Inflation Lin,Hsin-yi article pdf(716)
2010-03 Openness and Inflation Revisited Lin,Hsin-yi article pdf(871)
2011-03 A robust test for non-nested hypotheses Lin,Hsin-yi article pdf(970)
2010-05 An Encompassing Test for Non-Nested Quantile Regression Models Lin,Hsin-yi、 Kuan,Chung-Ming article pdf(800)
2010-11 The Spillover Effects of R&D on the Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan`s Metropolitan Areas Lin,Hsin-yiLiu,Hsiao-Lan 、Peng,Shin-Kun article pdf(843)
2011-01 Openness and the sacrifice ratio revisited Lin,Hsin-yi、 Hou,Jun-Yu article pdf(760)