All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 201-225 of 1980
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-08 土石流災害下行動弱勢族群疏散避難決策影響因素之研究 JEN-TE PAI、吳杰穎、賴炳樹、GUANG HUA HUANG、JEN-TE PAI、Wu,Jie-Ying 、Lai,Bing-Shu 、Huang,Kuan-Hua article pdf(925)
2012-03 民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度之委託代理分析 簡龍鳳、TSUNG-YU LAI、Chien,Lung-Feng、TSUNG-YU LAI article pdf(922)
2012-05 五直轄市升格後跨區域整合治理之新課題與願景:國土規劃觀點 蕭閎偉、林建元、JEN-TE PAI、Hsiao,Hong-Wei 、Lin,Chien-Yuan 、JEN-TE PAI article pdf(945)
2011-01 A Comparison of Property Taxes and Fees in Sydney and Taipei Chan,Nelson 、FONG-YAO CHEN article pdf(1140)
2011-09 買賣實例比較法實例權重之分析與模式建立 SHIH-MING YOU、CHIN-OH CHANG、You,Shih-Ming 、CHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(880)
2012-05 不同人工神經網路架構在不動產大量估價之應用與比較 沈育生、林秋瑾、Shen,Yu-Sheng 、PEI-CHING LIN article pdf(949)
2012-07 Implementation of Martian virtual reality environment using very high-resolution stereo topographic data SHIH-YUAN LIN、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、Hong,Jeong-Woo 、 Kim,Young-Hwi、Park,Chin-Kang article pdf(1017)
2012-03 How Do Appraisers Absorb Market Information in Property Valuation? Some Experimental Evidence TZU-CHIN LIN、 Chang,Hsiao-Yen article pdf(1223)
2011-05 企業在地再投資區位選擇之研究 王冠斐、TAI-MING BEN、Wang,Kuan-Fei 、TAI-MING BEN article pdf(720)
2010-05 Passenger thermal perceptions, thermal comfort requirements, and adaptations in short- and long-haul vehicles CHEN-YI SUN、Hwang,Ruey-Lung 、Huang,Kuo-Tsang 、CHEN-YI SUN、Huang,Ying-Che、CHEN-YI SUN article pdf(1116)
2010-09 台北都會區空間蔓延與緊密發展型態趨勢之研究 徐國城、TSUNG-YU LAI、詹士樑、Hsu,Kuo-Cheng、TSUNG-YU LAI、Chan,Shih-Liang article pdf(1153)
2010-09 台南市地表溫度與地表覆蓋關係之研究 CHEN-YI SUN、林憲德、呂罡銘、劉正千、陳瑞鈴、CHEN-YI SUN、 Lin,Hsien-Te、 Lu,Kang-Ming、Liu,Cheng-Chien 、Cheng,Ruey-Ling article pdf(804)
2011-03 公寓建物之折舊估算與房屋稅負 TZU-CHIN LIN、李汪穎、KUO-HUA CHEN、TZU-CHIN LIN、Lee,Wang-Ying 、Chen,Kwo-Hwa article pdf(877)
2012-03 Dynamic Modelling of Real Estate Investment Trusts and Stock Markets Lee,C. C. 、Chien,M. S. 、TSO-YU LIN article pdf(1417)
2011-12 住宅個案價格分散之研究-房價水準、景氣時機與區位條件之分析 許淑媛、袁淑湄、CHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(1313)
2011-12 A Street thermal environment study in summer by the mobile transect technique CHEN-YI SUN article pdf(928)
2010-12 以賽局觀點探討私有土地參與捷運場站開發制度之研究 簡龍鳳、TSUNG-YU LAI、Chien,Lung-Feng 、TSUNG-YU LAI article pdf(915)
2010-06 租戶結構對辦公大樓租金與空置率之影響 曾翊瑋、CHIN-OH CHANG、黃名義、Tseng,I-Wei 、Huang,Ming-Yi 、CHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(836)
2011-11 The Spillover Effect of R&D on the Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan Metropolitans HSIAO-LAN LIUHSIN-YI LIN、Peng,Shin-Kun article pdf(901)
2010-06 An assessment of surface matching for the automated co-registration of MOLA, HRSC and HiRISE DTMs Lia,Shih-Yuan 、Muller,Jan-Peter 、Mills,Jon P. 、Miller,Pauline E. article pdf(1439)
2011-09 Are Stock and Real Estate Markets Integrated? An Empirical Study of Six Asian Economies TSO-YU LIN、Lin,Zong-Han、TSO-YU LIN article pdf(1655)
2010-04 台灣都市蔓延之影響因素分析 HSIAO-LAN LIU、許佩漩、YU-HSIN TSAIHSIAO-LAN LIU、Hsu,Pei-Hsuan 、YU-HSIN TSAI article pdf(924)
2010-08 不同降雨入滲情境對蓮華池集水區水文模擬之影響 莊永忠、廖學誠、吳治達、JIHN-FA JAN、黃正良、Chuang,Yung-Chung 、Liaw,Shyue-Cherng 、Wu,Chih-Da 、JIHN-FA JAN、Hwong,Jeen-Liang article pdf(961)
2012-09 流域治理與土地倫理之研究-以石門水庫上游集水區的原住民族部落為例 孫稚堤、AI-CHING YEN、Sun,Chih-Ti 、AI-CHING YEN article pdf(916)
2010-12 Further Empirical Examination of an Improved Sales Comparison Approach TZU-CHIN LIN、Liao,Ying-Chih article pdf(1315)