All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics、Periodical Articles)

Showing 551-575 of 575
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-09 Enabling Space-Aware Service Discovery Model in Home Networks through a Compatible Extension to mDNS/DNS-SD CHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAO、Weng, Yu-Jou article web page(113)
2024-04 Machine learning and data analysis for word segmentation of classical Chinese poems: illustrations with Tang and Song examples CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin、Chang, Wei-Ting、Chu, Chang-Ting、Zheng, Ti-Yong article web page(191)
2022-07 Improved inpatient deterioration detection in general wards by using time-series vital signs SHU-I CHIUKUO-WEI HSU、Su, Chang-Fu、Jang, Jyh-Shing Roger、Lai, Feipei article web page(128)
2022-09 Classifications of neurodegenerative disorders using a multiplex blood biomarkers-based machine learning Model SHU-I CHIUKUO-WEI HSU、Lin, Chin-Hsien、Chen, Ta-Fu、Jang, Jyh-Shing Roger、Chiu, Ming-Jang article web page(135)
2024-03 Attribute hiding subset predicate encryption: Quantum-resistant construction with efficient decryption YI-FAN TSENG、Tseng, Yi-Fan article web page(186)
2022-09 OsciHead: Simulating Versatile Force Feedback on an HMD by Rendering Various Types of Oscillation HSIN-RUEY TSAI、Tsai, Hsin-Ruey、Hung, Ching-Wen、Su, Chi-Chun、Chiu, Jui-Cheng、Chen, Bing-Yu article web page(175)
2022-12 A trend study of search interest in "gout" in three different Asian cities: A discussion of temperature and humidity PEI-HSUAN HSIEH、葉宏明、Hsieh, Pei-hsuan、Yeh, Horng-ming article web page(157)
2023-11 Investigating the Influence of Data Architecture on the Performance of Kubernetes-based Applications CHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAO article web page(148)
2022-12 Pattern recognition of topologically associating domains using deep learning JIA-MING CHANGJIA-MING CHANG、Yang, Jhen Yuan article web page(136)
2024-01 Predicate encryption with selective-opening security for receivers: formal definition, generic construction, and concrete instantiations for several primitives YI-FAN TSENG、Tseng, Yi-Fan、Liu, Zi-Yuan、RAY-LIN TSO article web page(162)
2024-04 Anonymous hierarchical identity-based encryption with delegated traceability for cloud-based data sharing systems YI-FAN TSENGRAY-LIN TSO、Tseng, Yi-Fan、RAY-LIN TSO、Liu, Zi-Yuan、Mambo, Masahiro article web page(162)
2024-04 人工智慧的演化與跨域學習 JYI-SHANE LIU article pdf(90)
2023-08 A comparison of consumers’ brand attitude and brand image between virtual worlds and websites - differences in high and low brand familiarity levels PEI-HSUAN HSIEH、Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan、WEI-HSI HUNG、Yeh, Yu-Lin article web page(147)
2024-01 Climate Action in Canadian Public Secondary Schools: The Case of Coquitlam School District PEI-HSUAN HSIEH、Hsieh, Pei-hsuan article web page(140)
2024-03 智慧教育盒的學習動機分析系統 PEI-HSUAN HSIEH article web page(110)
2024-04 Scalable and Foldable Origami-Inspired Supernumerary Robotic Limbs for Daily Tasks HSIN-RUEY TSAI、Tsai, Hsin-Ruey、Kusunoki, Mikiya、Nguyen, Linh Viet、Ho, Van Anh、Xie, Haoran article web page(95)
2022-10 An integrated biometric voice and facial features for early detection of Parkinson’s disease SHU-I CHIUKUO-WEI HSU、Lim, Wee Shin、al, et article web page(33)
2023-08 Substantia nigra nigrosome-1 imaging correlates with the severity of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease SHU-I CHIUKUO-WEI HSU、Chu, Yung-Tsai、al, et article web page(50)
2024-03 Visual Exploration Framework of Intersecting Users and Activities between Issues in Social Media MING-TE CHI、胡臻騏、廖春閔、MING-TE CHIMING-TE CHI、Liao, Chun-Min article web page(45)
2024-01 Age-of-Information-Based Transmission Protocol in Vehicular Network HUNG-CHIN JANGHUNG-CHIN JANG、Huang, Chung-Yen article web page(53)
2024-01 Urban Traffic Flow Prediction Using LSTM and GRU HUNG-CHIN JANGHUNG-CHIN JANG、Chen, Che-An article web page(54)
2024-03 Blurriness-Guided Underwater Salient Object Detection and Data Augmentation YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、YU-CHENG LIN、Peng, Wen-Yi、Liu, Chen-Yu article web page(39)
2024-05 Fully automated learning and predict price of aquatic products in Taiwan wholesale markets using multiple machine learning and deep learning methods YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、Lai, Yi-Ting、Lien, Wei-Cheng、Cheng, Yun-Chiao、Lin, Yi-Ting、Liao, Chen-Jie、Chiu, Yu-Shao article web page(44)
2024-04 Image Demoiréing via Multiscale Fusion Networks with Moiré Data Augmentation YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、Hou, Chih-Hsiang、Lee, You-Cheng、Yoon, Aiden J.、Chen, Zihao、Lin, Yi-Ting article web page(67)
2023-06 Two-Branch Underwater Image Enhancement and Original Resolution Information Optimization Strategy in Ocean Observation YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、Zhang, Dehuan、Cao, Wei、Zhou, Jingchun、Zhang, Weishi、Lin, Zifan article web page(46)