All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 1-25 of 13479
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-12 圖書管理可以這麼有創意 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1551)
2001-09 我國檔案管理之困境與突破 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1691)
2004-10 The Current Status of the Archival Description Standards in the International and North America LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(2400)
2004-09 The Development Strategies of Electronic Records: United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia as Examples LI-KUEI HSUEHCHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(2068)
2004-03 The Comparison Study of Six University Archives LI-KUEI HSUEH、 蔡宜娟 、 劉純芬 article pdf(2287)
2002-12 The evolution of the public archives and the classification of archives LI-KUEI HSUEH article
2005-12 The Study of Establishing Government Records Center in Taiwan LI-KUEI HSUEHCHIAO-MIN LIN、劉純芬、陳慧聘 article pdf(2051)
2004-12 我國檔案教育現況與前瞻 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1819)
2002-09 政府資訊公開法制訂與傳播途徑 LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1629)
2009 Apparent Subject-object inversion in Chinese ONE-SOON HER article pdf(3700)
2007 Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch of Bloomsbury ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1507)
2007-01 Corpus and the nature of grammar revisited ONE-SOON HERI-PING WAN article pdf(2651)
2007-01 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese: A lexical mapping account ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2662)
2007 Between Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan`s Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy ONE-SOON HER article pdf(4092)
2006-08 Justifying Part-of-speech Assignments for Mandarin Gei ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(4434)
2005-12 「全球化」與「在地化」:從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1295)
2005-03 `Driving` towards simplicity: In (partial) defense of the `armchair linguist` ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1886)
2004-12 Argument-Function Linking in Resultatives ONE-SOON HER article pdf(5824)
2008-02 國立政治大學商學院學位論文引用文獻分析與館藏支援之研究 JYI-SHANE LIU、陳碧珠、陳靜宜、張淑芬、劉麗珍、林維儀 article pdf(3430)
2007 Linking agentive objects in Mandarin Chinese ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1801)
2006-06 土耳其語中「在格」,「從格」及「到格」與漢語對譯問題初探—以《Hitit》第一冊教材為例 LAN-YA TSENG article pdf(4964)
2000 審慎思辯民調-研究方法的探討與可行性評估 TONG-YI HUANGTONG-YI HUANG article web page(1320)
2003 審慎思辯、議題資訊與核四政策偏好--一個審慎思辯意見調查結果的初探 TONG-YI HUANG article web page(1419)
2004 全球治理下政府知識管理的新面向:府際政策學習 TONG-YI HUANGTONG-YI HUANG article pdf(1362)
2001-09 Evolution of Minying High-tech Enterprises in China: A Process of Legitimizing Private Ownership WAI-YIP SOWAI-YIP SO article pdf(1313)