All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 12776-12800 of 13468
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-10 政府體制、選舉制度、政黨制度與內閣組合的關係 JIH-CHING YANG article web page(703)
2001-08 企業組織變革的法律問題 JERRY G. FONG article web page(823)
2005-10 Euro-Asian Culture Exchange and the Asia-Europe Foudation SHAO-CHENG TANG article
2004-02 中華人民共和國離婚法之修正(上) HSIU-HSIUNG LIN article web page(529)
2005-09 人民幣匯率之國際政治經濟分析 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(847)
2005-01 The EU-Russia rivalry and internal rifts underpin Ukraine`s elections Controversy MEI-LAN HUNG article
2008-09 從酒以成禮到酒以傳情──《詩經》酒文化的二種類型及其演變 MING-CHANG YANG article
2005-12 The Relation of Marriage between Wife and Concubines in Tang Dynasty: A Center Research on Law 洪宜嫃、Hung, Yi-Cheng article pdf(283)
2000-06 企業推行平衡計分卡之可行結構─台灣經理人員之觀點(二) ANNE WU article web page(792)
2004-03 The Open Recruitment of Leading Cadres by the Chinese Communist Party 熊自健、Hsiung, Tzu-Chien article pdf(326)
2003-08 魏徵、張良與獨立董監--建議型好?監督者佳?難有定論! SHEREES MA article web page(949)
2005.01 寡占市場廠商格跟隨行為規範之研究 KUN-MING CHENWEI-JEN WENKUN-MING CHEN article pdf(1377)
2007-08 網路資源應用教學單元學習成效之調查研究 施碧霞、Shih, Pi-Shia article pdf(190)
2001-05 臺灣各時期原住民土地政策演變及其影響之探討 林秋綿、Lin, Chiou-Mien article pdf(2001)
2000-12 網際網路行使股東會表決權之制度與技術架構研究-2 JERRY G. FONG、曾恆 article web page(828)
2001 ISO 9000 and public organizations in Taiwan: Organizational differences in implementation practices with organization size, unionization, and service types PIN-YU CHU、Huang, Chi-Cheng、Wang, Hsuan-Jung article pdf(1195)
2005-06 毛澤東時期“二線分工”的運作及其對決策過程的意涵 趙建民(Chien-Min Chao) article pdf(1454)
2003-02 China`s Domestic Politics and U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations: An Assessment in the Aftermath of the CCP`s 16th National Congress Hsu, Szue-Chin Philip、徐斯勤 article pdf(660)
2000-09 二十一世紀非營利與非政府組織的全球化 CHUNG-HWA KU article
2003-05 著名商標或標章的認定時點 JERRY G. FONG article web page(947)
2001-06 產品知識及來源國形象對顧客滿意度之影響:Elaboration Likelihood Model之理論應用 JYH-SHEN CHIOULEI-YU WU、陳仲熙、JYH-SHEN CHIOU article web page(1087)
2006-10 焦點團體研究法在改善調查品質上的應用─以TEDS為例 SU-FENG CHENG article
2006-03 臺灣地區國民中學教育績效評鑑之研究 劉春初 、 莊立民  article web page(360)
2005-02 The Widow`s House: The Japanese Language Literature and Soseki`s "Kokoro" (Heart) 李郁蕙 article web page(284)
2002 Assessing and managing the benefits of enterprise systems: the business manager`s perspective SHIAW-CHUN SHANGSHIAW-CHUN SHANG article pdf(930)