All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 13426-13450 of 13470
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-11 部門憲法傳播篇:社會科學的分析 CHIEN-SAN FENG article
2000.05 臺灣地區電話隨機撥號抽樣方法之研究 洪永泰、黃永政、Hung, Yung-Tai 、 Huang, Yung-Cheng article pdf(1510)
2006-03 借貸限制下的消費與預防性儲蓄行為 藍青玉、BIING-SHEN KUO、Lan,Ching-Yu、BIING-SHEN KUO article pdf(1156)
2005-08 Forward-Price Method for Pricing Contingent Claims under Interest Rate, FX and Equity Risks 王昭文、SZU-LANG LIAO article web page(1208)
2008-06 臺灣集團企業之控股型態及公司治理衡量指標之研究與建議 WAN-YING LINCHUNG-YUAN HSU article
2008-01 《東協憲章》簽訂後的東南亞衝突管理 KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo article web page(1069)
2003.05 清代臺灣西拉雅族番社地權制度之變遷 楊鴻謙、AI-CHING YEN、Yang, Hong-chein、AI-CHING YEN article pdf(511)
2004-12 Studies of Taiwan Politics Marble, Andrew D. article pdf(227)
2003-04 板橋地院89年度重訴字第65號博士的家判決評析 LI HWANG article web page(404)
2005-07 Ethical Attitudes and Perceived Practice: A Comparative Study of Journalists in China Hong Kong and Taiwan VEN-HWEI LO、Chan, Joseph Man、Pan, Zhongdang article pdf(6110)
2006 資源、社會資本、路徑相依與動態能力之研究 LEI-YU WULEI-YU WU article pdf(746)
2000-04 信用卡冒用風險與舉証責任─台灣士林地方法院八十八年度簡上字第一○九號號判決評釋 SHWU-WEN YANG article web page(657)
2006-05 A Web-based Tutoring System with Styles-matching Strategy for Spatial Geometric Transformation TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI、 Chang, Chun-Yen、TSAI-YEN LI article pdf(1589)
2000 Sensor-Based On-line Screening Procedure and Tool Replacement Policy KWEI TANGKWEI TANGKWEI TANG、Lai, C .W. article web page(742)
2002-06 Identity Element and Co-principal on Breach of Trust:Discussion on Roxins Theory of Elements under Criminal Law HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(598)
2001 從社會主義城市到世界城市:上海城市調節模式的轉型 JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANG article pdf(1143)
2001-06 中學生之成就目標導向、動機氣候知覺與學習行為組型之關係 陳嘉成 article web page(465)web page(529)
2009 Jewish Vizier Sa‛d al-Dawla’s Centralization Reform of Ilkhānid Financial Policy and the Reaction to it MUSTAFA UYARMUSTAFA UYAR article web page(1397)
2003-06 網路銀行多行帳戶整合模式之研究 黃明達、Hwang, Ming-Dar article pdf(388)
2008-06 道教傳經神話的建立與轉化—以天真皇人為核心 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(990)
2002-12 臺灣地區生育率推估方法的研究 黃意萍、CHING-SYANG YUE article pdf(436)
2004 A Bayesian Noninferiority Approach to Evaluation of Bridging Studies HUEY-MIIN HSUEH、Hsiao, Chin-Fu、Liu, Jen-Pei、HUEY-MIIN HSUEH article web page(1001)
2001-07 Unfair Competition Law in the People`s Republic of China WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article pdf(286)
2008-09 可解約分紅保單之遞迴評價公式 SZU-LANG LIAO、張智凱、SHIH-KUEI LINSHIH-KUEI LIN、Chang, Chih-Kai、SZU-LANG LIAO article web page(937)
2000-06 The Winter-plum and the Heart of a Poet:A Tentaive Analysis of Hs Nan-Ying`s Plum Blossom Poem 余美玲 article web page(303)