All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 476-500 of 15374
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-05 殖民地時期台灣的日本耽美派系譜──以永井荷風〈墨東綺譚〉與西川滿〈稻江冶春詞〉為中心 吳佩珍 article
2011-11 1930年代臺灣文學脈絡中的張赫宙 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article
2011-06 日據末期小說的「發展型」敘事與人物「新生」的意義 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article pdf(391)
2010-06 《悠悠「家園」》與〈忠孝「公園」〉:黃皙[日英]和陳映真小說的歷史認知 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article
2010-02 文學現代性的建立:二○年代台灣文學論的啟蒙內容及其結構 崔末順、Choi, Mal-Soon article
2012-06 台灣地區宗教經驗之比較研究 ─ 簡介一個跨學科研究的案例 蔡彥仁 article pdf(1069)
2010-09 書符與符號:正一符法的圖像及其象徵 李豐楙 article pdf(1181)
2012-06 Why is Brahmacariya Necessary for the Buddha? 黃柏棋Huang, Po-chi article pdf(981)
2012-06 Scriptures, Numinous Charts and Transmission: A Study of Lingbao Scripture on the Twenty-four Charts 謝世維 article pdf(2068)
2012-06 The Daoist School of Eastern Florescence in Song and Yuan dynasties: Lineage, Hagiography and Teaching 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1143)
2012-06 Esoteric Buddhism, Daoist Ritual and Child Medium: A Study of Exorcism in the Method of Ucchu ma and Luminous Agent Marshal Ma 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-wei article pdf(1555)
2012-03 The Way of Great Vehicle in Early Lingbao Scriptures: The Transformation of Daoist Scriptures in Medieval China 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1069)
2011-09 書評:Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1312)
2011-01 A Study of the Concept of Brahmā in Daoist Ling-bao Scriptures 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1180)
2010-09 首過與懺悔:中古時期罪感文化之探討 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1208)
2010-06 Lighting the Darkness: The Ritual of Lighting Lamps in Early Lingbao Scriptures 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(944)
2010-06 Perspectives on Theory in Religious Studies and the Construction of Daoist Scriptures in Six Dynasties 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(876)
2010-12 聖教與祖德:馬來西亞華人在喪、祭禮俗中的宗教認同 李豐楙 article
2011-05 台灣印行流通漢譯古蘭經評介 林長寬、Lin, Chang-Kuan article pdf(808)
2010-10 Muslims in Taiwan, A Community on the Decline 林長寬 article
2011-11 Chinese Religious Reform: The Christian Patriotic Education Campaign 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian article pdf(1663)
2010-12 臺灣宗教與保守主義 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian article pdf(971)
2011-12 巡弋失樂園-大理觀音佛國的政治建構 李玉珍 article 說明頁(1155)pdf(913)
2012-09 Questions of International Law Practice Involved in the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War 趙國材、李明峻 article pdf(942)
2011-10 論《美國輸臺牛肉議定書》事件 -下- 趙國材、Chao,K. T. article pdf(930)