All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14451-14475 of 15387
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012.12 台灣電視事業發展初期的社會條件與消費狀況 YU-FEN KO、Ko, Yu-Fen article pdf(792)
2011-09 「台灣憂鬱症量表」心理計量特質分析報 MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N. article web page(927)
2015-05 Smart tourism: exploring historical, cultural, and delicacy scenic spots using visual-based image search technology SHENG-CHIH CHEN、Huang, Cheng Ming、SHENG-CHIH CHEN article web page(1123)
2015 The Information Transmission Effect and Asset Prices: Evidence from the China B-Share Discount SZU-LANG LIAO、Tsai, Tsung-Ying、SZU-LANG LIAO、蔡宗穎 article pdf(778)
2016-04 呵佛罵祖貶上帝--言論自由或仇恨言論? YUAN-HAO LIAOYUAN-HAO LIAO article pdf(178)
2016-06 語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念及介係詞統計分析 趙逢毅、SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(470)
2013-06 甲骨新綴二十二則 張惟捷、Chang, Wei-chieh article pdf(663)
2013-07 區段徵收抵價地比例之爭議 LI-FU CHEN article pdf(3343)
2010-12 獅子與佛陀:早期漢譯佛教文獻中的動物裝飾與象徵 陳懷宇、Chen, Huai-yu article pdf(3687)
2011-11 Effects of typographic variables on eye-movement measures in reading Chinese from a screen NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENJIE-LI TSAINAI-SHING YEN、Lin, H. Y.、Chen , A. L. P. article pdf(1349)
2012-03 董監持股、企業風險與技術投資對公司運用經理人工作誘因、內部監督機制之影響 薛健宏、CHUNG-YUAN HSU、Hsueh, Chien-Hung 、CHUNG-YUAN HSU article pdf(1745)
2011-07 電視新聞敘事結構初探 林東泰、Lin, Tung-Tai article pdf(521)
2012.07 A Merging Method for Reducing The Number of Monitors for Siphon-Based FMS Maximally Permissive Controllers 趙玉、Chao, Daniel Yuh article web page(801)
2015-03 兩岸NGO協力之發展趨勢與分析架構初探 陳秋政 article pdf(512)
2014-10 匯流下的變貌:網路素材使用對電視新聞常規的影響 HUEI-LING LIU、Liu, Huei-Ling article pdf(1289)
2012-12 近年俄羅斯遠東政策發展之觀察 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN article web page(602)
2014-10 契合開放精神的新聞學:讀《資料好神,敘說故事百千樣:資料新聞學開講》 劉忠博 article pdf(205)
2010-06 Axial Vibration Study of a Mobile Fan Motor YEONG-DER YAOYEONG-DER YAO、Yao, Yeong-Der、Liang, Kun-Yi article web page(733)
2014.03 地方宗教中的道法關係:以臺南和意堂為核心的考察 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(1214)
2016-07 An information visualization system to assist news topics exploration with social media TSAI-YEN LIPAI-LIN CHEN、Lin, Ching-Ya,、TSAI-YEN LIPAI-LIN CHEN article web page(1192)
2011.09 幽緲邊界下的創慟處境:探究九二一震災身心障礙者的失能體驗與喪親經驗 林耀盛、Lin,Yaw-Sheng article web page(802)pdf(500)
2014-03 區域的整合與衝突:京津冀城市區域的治理與矛盾 楊勝群、Yang, Sheng-Chun article pdf(677)
2016-10 從理性決策途徑檢視菲國總統杜特蒂的國際政治學 郁瑞麟 article pdf(252)
2018-06 The Role of the Parliament in the Area of Foreign Affairs: A Comparative Study of Germany and Taiwan Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(286)
2016-06 In the Beginning, There Were Hermeneutical Mistakes of Church-State Relations in Modern China CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO article pdf(472)