All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature)

Showing 4776-4800 of 5036
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-03 思過自新:蘇軾的罪咎、聲名與自我 YING-CHIEH CHEN conference pdf(26)
2022-11 人棄與天啟―《左傳》夷吾與重耳敘寫手法分析 FENG-YUAN CHEN conference web page(96)
2022-11 朱學傳衍與深化―以明儒蔡清《四書蒙引》為討論範圍 FENG-YUAN CHEN conference
2023-01 從心學到經學—清初毛奇齡四書學之義理轉向 FENG-YUAN CHEN conference
2022-12 「洗淨」母題與觀音化現婦女度人成聖傳說 MING-CHANG YANG conference
2022-11 敦煌本《釋佛國品手記》與僧、俗講 MING-CHANG YANG conference pdf(22)
2022-09 敦煌本維摩手記研究 MING-CHANG YANG conference
2023-03 臺灣當代京劇東南亞展演印記考述 HSIN-HSIN TSAI book/chapter web page(50)
2023 On Han Shaogong’s View of Language: Focusing on A Dictionary of Maqiao, Implication and Modification 葉維佳 thesis pdf(1)
2023-12 A Reading Revolution: On the Jingling School's Criticism of Du Fu's Poetry in the Late Ming Dynasty YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(114)
2022-12 The legitimacy of China shaped in Taiwanese Peking Opera that performed in World’s fairs after World War II HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(133)
2021-10 佛教與儒家:《文心雕龍》的思想色彩 YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia
2021-10 宗經與辨騷:《文心雕龍》談文學理想 YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia web page(24)
2022-10 致君堯舜上,再使風俗淳──杜甫的抱負 YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia
2022-10 若不是寂寞,他就寫不出詩來──杜甫的寂寞 YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia
2022-11 從一棵棗樹說起──杜詩中的小人物 YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia web page(24)
2023-04 蔡清《四書蒙引》「心體」及「道統」論述考察 FENG-YUAN CHEN conference
2020-09 Immortality and Longevity: Hsi-Wang-Mu and Her Immortal Daoist Skills in Tales of Emperor Wu of Han LI-FENG KAO、LI-FENG KAO article web page(117)web page(72)
2022-12 Mother God, Myths and Sacred History: The Cosmogonic Myth and Its Symbolic Implications in Yao Ming Gui Pan LI-FENG KAO、LI-FENG KAO article web page(83)web page(74)
2023-01 The Development and Evolution of Chinese Guandi 關帝 Worship in Modern Japan: The Guandi Temple in Kobe LI-FENG KAO、LI-FENG KAO article web page(111)
2020-12 Hearsay: Re-discussion on the Friendship between Su Che and Huang Ting-jian YING-CHIEH CHEN、YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(84)web page(62)
2022-12 《西遊記》之東傳版本與譯作 KUEI-JU LIN book/chapter web page(67)
2022-12 導言 LI-FENG KAO book/chapter pdf(160)
2022-12 近代日本關帝信仰文化的發展與嬗變:以神戶關帝廟為主 LI-FENG KAO book/chapter web page(59)
2022-12 中心與聖境:崑崙神話神聖空間與圖像研究 LI-FENG KAO book web page(72)