All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、1990-1999)

Showing 201-225 of 1259
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996-03 試建臺灣電影觀賞率之常態線 盧非易 article pdf(1034)
1995-01 首映的落幕,雜誌的消失 盧非易 article pdf(983)
1995-12 類型與公式研究[電視劇] 蔡琰 article pdf(1064)
1996-01 The Development of Shashi and Foshan Cable TV and Their Subscribers` Program-Watching (Viewing) Behavior 劉幼琍 article pdf(2909)
1996 CIES:A Knowledge-Based Approach to Monitoring Competitive Dymamic 祝鳳岡 conference
1996 「廣告理性訴求策略」之策略分析 祝鳳岡 conference
1995 International Joint Ventures Management:A Critical Success Factors Approach 祝鳳岡 conference
1995 Office Productivity and Office Automation 祝鳳岡 conference
1994 「廣告感性訴求策略」之策略分析 祝鳳岡 conference
1994 國際比較廣告規範之研究 祝鳳岡 conference
1997 Empirical Study on Human Resources Management of International Joint Ventures 祝鳳岡 conference
1999 The Impacts of News Frames and Ad Types on Candidate Perception and Political Cynicism during the 1998 Taipei Mayoral Election in Taiwan 張卿卿 conference
1999 A cross-cultural comparison of political advertising in the 1996 president election campeign in Taiwan and the United State 張卿卿 conference
1999 The impact of negative political advertising: A review 張卿卿 conference
1998 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果研究 張卿卿 conference
1998 女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢--以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例 張卿卿 conference
1998 Intermedia agenda setting effects in the 1996 presidential election in Taiwan 張卿卿 conference
1998-11 Should a public relations code of ethics be enforced? 黃懿慧 conference
1998-08 Public relations strategies and organization-public relationships 黃懿慧 conference
1998-05 公共關係主要理論學派之探討 黃懿慧 conference
1998-05 警界公關主管的媒體互動、公關執行之研究─兼談對陳進興峽持南非武官電子媒體報導之評價 黃懿慧、彭芸、黃懿慧 conference
1996 選民的傳播型態對政治行為的影響:以1996年總統大選為例 孫秀蕙 conference
1996 觀看電視廣告:家庭生活情境、權力關係與消費行為 孫秀蕙、林芳玫 report 說明頁(1283)
1995 公關人員與媒體之間的互動模式對於議題管理策略的啟示-以非營利的弱勢團體為例 孫秀蕙 conference
1994 公關理論中的「雙向對等性溝通模式」再省思 孫秀蕙 conference