All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 1901-1925 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 Masculinity and Cognitive Age Perception: An Examination of their Relationship and Implications for Advertising Persuasion CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1055)
2009 Enhancing the Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Messages via Self-Congruent Appeals CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1092)
2008 The Effectiveness of Using a Global Look in an Asian Market CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article web page(1516)
2008 Chronological Age vs. Cognitive Age For young consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1764)
2008-04 Learn Taking a Picture or Photography? BEN-KUAN YUBEN-KUAN YU article pdf(937)
2008-05 磚瓦、水泥之外──用照片蓋台灣房子 BEN-KUAN YU article
2008-07 Advertising Creativity, Processing Experiences, and Communication Effects YUEH-GANG WUYUEH-GANG WU article pdf(1007)
2008-11 Advertising Copy, Product Attributes Verifiability, and Communication Effects YUEH-GANG WUYUEH-GANG WU article web page(1066)
2008-10 A New Taxonomy of Metaphoric Advertisements and Analysis of Status Quo YUEH-GANG WUYUEH-GANG WU article pdf(1358)
2001-07 The Effects of Negative Candidate News and News Frames on Political Cynicism and Attribution of Responsibility YI-NING CHENYI-NING CHEN conference pdf(1058)
2009 An exploration of the standardization of targeting strategies and the use of promotional disciplines on the web: A cross-national study YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(1263)
2008 政治置入性新聞對新聞可信度之影響 XIAN-EN PENGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(844)
2008 Comparing Effects of Single and Multiple Media Repetition YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(1052)
2008-10 Does (Linking with) Practice Make Perfect?: A Survey of Public Relations Scholars I-HUEI CHENGI-HUEI CHENG article pdf(1477)
2009 大學視覺藝術教育色彩相關課程現況研究─以97學年為例 CHYI-MIIN WANG conference
2009 運用藝術名畫實施視覺創意教學研究─以廣告系繪畫創作課程為例 CHYI-MIIN WANG conference
2005 運用『圖像表現策略』創作廣告作品之教學研究 CHYI-MIIN WANG conference
2008-06 Constructing Meaning through De-/Contextualisation in Realist Documentary Photography: An Analysis of Two Cases in 1980s Taiwan LI-HSIN KUOLI-HSIN KUO article web page(1192)
2008-03 The Sentimentality and the Politicization of Humanist Photography: A Critical Reading of Lanyu, Goodbye and Dignity and Humiliation LI-HSIN KUOLI-HSIN KUO article
2008-07 從台灣青少兒家長網路素養變遷看網路分級成效 WEI-WEI HUANG article
2004-12 政府公關與行銷:從政策宣導與媒體效益評估的再思考 CHING-HO CHEN article pdf(1190)
2006-03 Dual Viewpoints for Double Vision: Spatialized Narration and In/Visible Special Effects Abstract RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN article web page(1296)
2006-04 新媒體五大原則 RU-SHOU CHEN article
2008-06 媒體經營權轉換對員工勞資關係氣氛、工作滿足與組織承諾影響之初探 --以某電視公司為例 CHIUNG-WEN HSU、吳政龍 article pdf(844)
2008-12 Will the Deficiency of PTS`s Finance Impact the Quality of Program Production? KUO-FENG TSENGKUO-FENG TSENG article pdf(1178)