All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7576-7600 of 8595
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-02 身境與隱喻觀點中的創意 SE-WEN SUN、鄧育仁 article pdf(843)
1998 電視新聞製播品質管制--ISO 9002應用之研究 黃雅婷、Huang, Ya-Ting thesis web page(480)
2009-01 Effectiveness of promotional premiums: The moderating role of affective state in different contexts CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1235)
2014 轉碼廣告的說服力—語言熟悉程度、消費者認同與產品類別的干擾效果 YING-CHING LIN report pdf(322)
2002 從生活風格觀點探討公益彩券消費者的彩券消費與新聞解讀 陳慕君 thesis pdf(826)pdf(793)pdf(1171)pdf(2497)pdf(5749)pdf(2862)pdf(1909)pdf(1095)pdf(1139)pdf(4309)
2002 Grouping, simile, and oxymoron in pictures: A design-based cognitive approach Teng, Norman Y、SE-WEN SUN、Teng, Norman Y、Sun, Se-Wen article pdf(1100)
2019-05 直播不NG ? 基督教電台網路直播之傳播模式分析 WEI-WEI HUANG conference
1994 有線電視與廣告 WEI-WEI HUANG conference
2024 Beyond the Fabric: ESG Perspectives on Age and Gender in Fashion Instagram Ads 索斐、Sandrim, Sofia Francisco thesis pdf(0)
1986-09 大眾傳播的政治與社會關係 曾繁藤、鄭瑞城、葛永光、李祖琛、吳統雄 article
2018 Examining how dependence on smartphones at work relates to Chinese employees’ workplace social capital, job performance, and smartphone addiction. TSUI-CHUAN LIN、Li, Li、YU-LI LIU article web page(809)
2012-03-01 籌措財源 滿足無線寬頻基本人權 CHIEN-SAN FENG article pdf(1051)
2007-07 危機與轉機---證嚴『一灘血』官司之危機處理 葉育鎏 conference
2024 Inheritance and Innovation from the Traditional Xiqu — A Study on the Comedic Elements in Stephen Chow's Films 吳思睿、Wu, Si-Rui thesis pdf(0)
1976-02 縱論電視問題 徐佳士 article
1997 逆向涵化之初探 WEN-LING CHEN conference
2000.06 臺灣傳播學的書籍出版 陳世敏、Chen, Shih-min conference pdf(623)
2017 A comparative study of smartphone usage among the elders aged 65 and above in Taiwan and Estonia 沈慈芮、Sommer, Siiri thesis pdf(362)
1997 暴力、女性與新聞媒體-從「彭婉如事件」談性暴力的媒體論述 陳裕文 conference pdf(525)
1993 The agenda building process of news source :the debate of the fourth nuclear power station 楊韶彧、Yang, Shao Yu thesis web page(272)
2002 兩千年總統大選採訪記者對選舉事務之態度分析 王惠敏 thesis web page(660)
2001-11 The Desired Form:Japanese Melodrama in Taiwan YU-FEN KO conference
1985-07 誹謗的含義?要件及其趨勢 李瞻 article
1987 Urban families use of television in the `modernization` of the People’s Republic of China SE-WEN SUN conference
2021-09 The Influence of Different Drawing Tools on the Learning Motivation and Color Cognition of the fourth grade students at the Elementary school PEI-JUNG CHENG、Pei-Jung Cheng、I-Chen Lee conference pdf(241)