All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 876-900 of 8586
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000 Political advertising in Taiwan and the USA cross-cultural comparison of the 1996 president election campaigns CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1463)
1995-07 性別政治?─從民國八十二年台灣地區縣、市長選舉看性別、傳播與政治行為 翁秀琪、HSIU-HUI SUN article pdf(939)
1995-08 Effects of gender schematic processing on the reception of political commercials for men and women candidates CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1348)
2002 Self-Congruency as a Cue in Different Advertising Processing Contexts CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1325)
1997 Mass madia impact on voter response to women candidates: Theoeetical development CHING-CHING CHANG article
2007 Ideal self-image congruency as a motivator for smoking-The moderating effects of personality traits CHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1564)
2008-01 財經雜誌品牌忠誠度指標建構 MINE-PING SUN conference
2009-07 外籍配偶家庭電視使用行為之探討:以南投國姓鄉東南亞外籍配偶家庭為例 李坤錫、MINE-PING SUN conference pdf(621)
2010-07 Subjective tags and its implications on information indexin HSIAOMEI WU conference
2010-07 多元文化下的社區傳播:從下而上、從上而下的參與 MINE-PING SUN conference
2010-09 Let the voiceless indigenous people be heard and seen: A pilot study of creating a digital community communication model in Taiwan MINE-PING SUN conference
2007-01 老人傳播研究之回顧與展望 -- 以「老人傳播研究群」為例 YEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANG article pdf(837)
2008-07 網路色情內容對青少年的涵化效果 林奐名、VEN-HWEI LOHSIAOMEI WU conference
1989 改變中的新聞工作環境 KUO-JEN TSANG article
2009-07 器物與時間:美術編輯如何因應瞬間鉅量? PAI-LIN CHEN conference
2006 Critical Citizens in Taiwan: A Social Capital Approach BONNIE PENG conference
2009-07 Media Literacy 與社區傳播暨行動 MINE-PING SUN conference
2010-07 Giving a local voice: A community media, media literacy and social actions in Taiwan MINE-PING SUN conference
1996-07 社刊與企業文化 KUO-JEN TSANG article
2010-08 10個台灣創意教學的故事 PAO-FANG CHANG report web page(3192)
2009 公民新聞2.0:台灣公民新聞與「新農業文化再造」形塑之初探 MINE-PING SUN article
2010 Chinese spouses` empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association of Relief and Ensuing Service Momesso,Lara、MINE-PING SUN article pdf(927)
2011 Location-Based Mobile Collaborative Digital Narrative Platform Lin, Sicai 、TZU-CHIEH TSAISHENG-CHIH CHEN、 Lee, Shindi conference
2011 Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Aids Efficient Digital Learning SHENG-CHIH CHEN、 Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、WEI-KUANG CHEN、 Hsu, Jui-I conference
2011 Continuous Archiving of Group Digital Photograph Collections with a MPEG-7 Based Crowd Sourcing Annotation Methodology JENG-PEI KUO、 Cheng, Po-Yu 、 Su, Wei-Chen 、SHENG-CHIH CHENJENG-PEI KUO conference web page(1602)