All Of Publications(Limit:International college of Innovation)

Showing 1-25 of 107
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-11 Contested Panning and Urban Imaginations in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei TZU-CHI OU、Ou, Tzu-Chi conference web page(1143)
2019-04 Cashing in on the Sky: financialization and urban air rights in the Taipei Metropolitan Area HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying article pdf(447)
2020-12 Densities of Care HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying article pdf(499)
2020-12 Introduction: rethinking urban density HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying、Chowdhury, Romit、McFarlane, Colin、Tripathy, Priyam article pdf(464)
2021-09 Taking Disclosure Seriously: A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Framework About Online Political Ads Between the U.S. and Taiwan in the Era of AI PO LIANG CHEN、Chen, Po Liang article web page(706)
2021-11 Reflecting on Climate Security Challenges Facing Taiwan CHIH-YUAN YANGCHIH-YUAN YANG conference
2022-04 電力的物質性:光電拼裝體的物質符碼 CHIH-YUAN YANGCHIH-YUAN YANG book/chapter web page(625)
2022-04 STS新人發聲:楊智元 CHIH-YUAN YANGCHIH-YUAN YANG article pdf(274)
2021-08 科技政策的質性研究方法:詮釋性政策分析與技術政治 CHIH-YUAN YANGCHIH-YUAN YANG conference web page(483)
2021-06 [推薦序] 假訊息跨國產業鏈及生態圈的完整呈現 Chung-pei Pien、Pien, Chung-pei book/chapter web page(437)
2021-05 ‘Pluralizing lockdowns’: Grassroots responses to housing in Jakarta amid COVID-19 HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying、Sutanudjaja, Elisa、Simone, AbdouMaliq、Lancione, Michele article web page(442)
2021-05 Coping with fears: Urban struggles in the Greater Manila amid COVID-19 and beyond HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying、Beltran, Michael、Vilenica, Ana article web page(348)
2021-05 [Editorial] Tenant organizing, scholar activism, and global south perspectives as alternative infrastructures of knowledge production HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying、Reyes, Alejandra、Vilenica, Ana、McElroy, Erin、Lancione, Michele、Thompson, Samantha、Muñoz, Solange article web page(348)
2021-12 國民參與刑事審判制度與司法民主化?──初探美國陪審與日本裁判員制度之多重民主理念與實踐 PO LIANG CHEN book/chapter web page(420)
2022-10 眼見(不)為憑?AI時代的政治真相、謊言與深度偽造 PO LIANG CHEN book/chapter web page(336)
2022-04 [Commentary] Mainland Spouses Speak: Taiwanese Nationalism and the Political Movements of Marriage Migrants from the People’s Republic of China by Moon Kyungyun A Slice of Identity Politics TZU-CHI OU、Ou, Tzu-Chi article web page(334)
2022-08 Low-End Accumulation: Spatial Transformation and Social Stratification in a Beijing Urban Village TZU-CHI OU、Ou, Tzu-Chi article web page(422)
2021-06 Spaces of Suspension: Construction, Demolition, and Extension in a Beijing Migrant Neighbourhood TZU-CHI OU、Ou, Tzu-Chi article web page(276)
2021-12 當只有一種站立模式被允許的時候—中國工人殺馬特的審美與抉擇 TZU-CHI OU article web page(329)
2022-11 A Quality Data Set for Data Challenge: Featuring 160 Students` Learning Behaviors and Learning Strategies in a Programming Course HSIN-TSE LU、Lu, Owen H.T. conference pdf(50)
2022-10 Learnings from an EMI “Artificial Intelligence” Course Co-taught by an Academic and a Professional from Industry HSIN-TSE LU conference web page(315)
2021-09 Leveraging Air Rights: Public Transport Finance and Vertical Densification in New Taipei City HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying conference pdf(51)
2022-07 Negotiating Threats: Historicizing the Elemental Working of Medical Masks HUNG-YING CHEN、Chen, Hung-Ying conference web page(288)
2021-11 向天空融資─都市空權作為雙北都市密集化與金融化取徑 HUNG-YING CHEN conference pdf(49)
2022-02 Liminality, No More: Suspended in the Rural-Urban Dynamics TZU-CHI OU、Ou, Tzu-Chi conference web page(357)