All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、1990-1999)

Showing 101-125 of 4575
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997 The Economic Exposure of U.S. Multinational Firms HSING-YI CHOWHSING-YI CHOW、 Lee, Wayne Y.、 Michael E. Solt article pdf(1338)
1999 Instututional Arrangements and Market Microstructure. Financial innovation in Taiwan: the engineering of treasury bond margin contracts HSING-YI CHOW、劉璞、HSING-YI CHOW、 Liu, Pu article web page(1308)
1996-12 Evaluating the Performance of a Synthetic Put Stratege with Alternate Voltility Forcasts: The case of Taiwan YEN-SHAN HSU article pdf(1109)
1992 Drifting Dollars,Mercurial Marks:Managing Exchange Rate Risk in the Global Marketplace HSING-YI CHOW、Wayne Lee、Michael Solt article
1994-04 Debt Rescheduling and the Choice between Bonds and Loans for LDC`s Foreign Debt HSING-YI CHOWHSING-YI CHOW article pdf(1425)
1990 Properties of Daily Stock Returns from the Pacific Basin Stock Markets:Evidence and Implication SIMON H . YEN、Bailey W. article
1996-12 Margin requirements and stock market volatility: Another look at the case of Taiwan YEN-SHAN HSUYEN-SHAN HSU article pdf(1256)
1998 The Determinants of Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure: Evidence on Japanese Firms HSING-YI CHOWHSING-YI CHOWHUNG-LING CHEN article pdf(1221)
1997-10 The Impact of Information Diffusion on Comparisons among Various Trading Mechanisms 劉玉珍、Liu, Victor W、Wu, Chin-Shun article
1996-04 Performance of Synthetic Insurance Strategies under Crash conditions YEN-SHAN HSU article
1996-11 台灣企業購併支付方式與財務特質關係之實證研究 SIMON H . YEN article
1996-07 家族企業,聯署集團與公司價值 HSING-YI CHOW、陳錦村、陳坤宏 article
1996-12 台灣股市價格限制與交易行為 潘璟靜、劉玉珍、HSING-YI CHOW article web page(1219)
1992-03 台灣國際企業交叉規避匯率風險之實證研究 SIMON H . YEN、 劉弘毅 article web page(1185)
1993-06 台灣企業國際併購宣告對股東財富影響之實證研究 SIMON H . YEN、 彭一正 article web page(1157)
1997-05 債券交換之研究,貨幣觀測與信用評等 CHI-MING WU article
1993-09 台灣與亞太各國股票市場收益率之序列相關與關聯性之實證研究 SIMON H . YEN article
1998-12 Forecasting S&P 500 stock index futures with a hybrid AI system YEN-SHAN HSURUA-HUAN TSAIHYEN-SHAN HSU、Ray Tsaih、Lai, Charles C. article pdf(1336)
1994-01 美國銀行體系的危機展望 杜化宇 article
1992-01 國際投資組合管理 SIMON H . YEN article
1995-05 陣痛中的哈薩克經濟轉型:一個市場經濟的演化 杜化宇 article
1993-01 財政政策與股市變動以因果關係與VAR模型分析的台灣實證結果 MIA TWU article pdf(1431)
1995-01 上市與未上市公司融資組合決定因素之比較--由保留盈餘與已收股本探討 MIA TWU article pdf(1589)
1992-09 我國證券商經濟規模之研究--民國七十九年之實證分析 CHI-HUANG LIN article pdf(1225)
1994-03 代理成本與融資決策 CHI-HUANG LIN article pdf(3582)