All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、1990-1999)

Showing 1251-1275 of 4575
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996 International real interest rate parity with error correction models SON-NAN CHENSON-NAN CHEN、Son-Nan Chen article pdf(1634)
1991-02 Academic employment of accounting doctoral graduates MEI-HWA LIN article pdf(1638)
1997-10 An integral client/server design of accounting information systems JIA-LANG SENGJIA-LANG SENG article pdf(1103)
1998-06 混合模組式之成本會計資訊系統設計 JIA-LANG SENG article pdf(691)
1996-01-29 策略管理 DAH-HSIAN SEETOO book/chapter
1998-03-01 為管理定位 DAH-HSIAN SEETOO book/chapter
1995-01 邁向會計師事務所合夥人之路 MEI-HWA LIN article
1990-08 會計實務、教育與學術研究之關係 MEI-HWA LIN article web page(756)
1997 我國企業使用軟體工具之階段理論模式 SYMING HWANG conference
1996 動態經營策略的分析模式--以宏?硍偎峎馬? SE-HWA WU conference
1995 企業概論 DAH-HSIAN SEETOOJEN-FANG LEESE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1376)
1999 加盟事業便利商店市場得界定及其行銷通路之探討 JEN-FANG LEE conference
1998-05 國內新聞報業競爭規範之研究 JEN-FANG LEE conference
1996 台灣之造業分工網路與技術發展 JEN-FANG LEE conference
1994-07 技術合作的模式與趨勢之探討 FENG-SHANG WU conference
1994 The Cultural Impact of University-Industry Research Cooperation: the American Experience FENG-SHANG WU conference
1996 退休基金評價 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG conference
1998 The Impact of Country of Origin on Consumer atisfaction: The Case of Low versus High Product Knowledge JYH-SHEN CHIOU conference
1997 Channel Negotiation Behaviors: The Moderating Effects of Mutual Dependence JYH-SHEN CHIOU conference
1998 International Economic Dynamics with Capital Movement LEN-KUO HU conference web page(658)
1997-01 The Behavior of Real Exchange Rate:A Re-examination Using Finite Sample Approach BIING-SHEN KUO conference
1998 Some Exact Results for Moving-Average Trading Rules with Applications to UK Indices WEIYU KUO conference
1995-09 期貨市場自律功能之探討 GUANG-HWA YANG conference
1998 Bayesian Learning in Dynamic Large Games SHWU-JANE SHIEH conference
1999 風險值計測---馬可夫轉換技術應用 HSIU-HUA RAU conference