All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、1990-1999)

Showing 1276-1300 of 4575
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997-12 Testing the Permanent Income Hypothesis: The Application of FM-GMM and FM-GIVE Methods HSIU-HUA RAU conference
1997-08 Network Externalities and Endongenous Growth HSIU-HUA RAU conference
1995 A Generalzed Capital Asset Pricing Model HSIU-HUA RAU conference
1995-11 技術進步,交互投資與產業結構改變 PO-SHENG LIN conference
1995-12 貿易條件、資本累積與荷蘭病 PO-SHENG LIN conference
1995 Uniformly More Powerful, One-sided Tests for Hypotheses about linear Inequalities HUI-MEI LIU、Liu, Huimei、Berger, R. L. article pdf(1257)
1996 Optimal row-column design for comparing row effects and column effects CHAO-PING TING conference
1996 Robustness of row-column designs against missing data CHAO-PING TING conference
1999 探討集群抽樣下具有群內相關的類別資料之樣本數配置對同質性檢定的影響¾以D-M分配模擬 LI-SHYA CHEN conference
1998 Bayesian control to linear regression models with covariate error LI-SHYA CHEN conference
1997 審計報告與授信失敗關聯性之實證研究 KUA-TERNG SU conference
1993-03 The Cultural Impact of Foreign Acquisitions: Japan vs. U.K KUA-TERNG SU conference
1998-07 Feltham and Ohlson會計基礎評價模式及線性資訊模式之辨正與測試 CHUNG-YUAN HSU conference
1998-11 商業銀行資本適足率風險性資產權數改進之探討 HORNG-CHING KUO conference
1994-04 The International Applicability of the Significant Influence Criterion of Equity Accounting: Evidence from Taiwan HORNG-CHING KUO conference
1994-03 The Effects of the Liability Method of Interperiod Income Tax Allocation on the Financial Statements of Early Adopters of SFAS 96 HORNG-CHING KUOHORNG-CHING KUO article pdf(1149)
1996 Requirements Modeling for Database Benchmarks JIA-LANG SENG conference
1995-10 如何落實商業會計法 MEI-HWA LIN conference
1998-08 Cross-Cultural Differences in the Behavioral Consequences of Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems: An Experimental Investigation ANNE WU conference
1999 International Accounting Symposium: The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study ANNE WU conference
1999 The Effects of National Culture and Contextual Information on Managers` Resource Allocation Decisions ANNE WU conference
1998-11 跨國籍管理會計研究之探討 ANNE WU conference
1998-08 National Culture and the Implementation of "High-Stretch" Performance Standards: An Exploratory Study ANNE WU conference
1998-07 高科技產業之成本管理 ANNE WU conference
1998 Adapting Management Controls to National Culture: The Role of Performance Measures and Socialization Activities ANNE WU conference