All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、2000-2009)

Showing 11676-11700 of 11819
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 財務管理槪論 = Essentials of corporate finance 徐燕山 book/chapter 說明頁(638)
2009 國際經濟法與金融法論文集 楊光華 book/chapter 說明頁(658)
2006 品質管理 = Quality management 楊素芬 book/chapter 說明頁(568)
2002 國立政治大學經費稽核委員會內部稽核制度與施行細則 馬秀如 book/chapter 說明頁(579)
2007 高級會計學 = Advanced accounting 鄭丁旺 book/chapter 說明頁(580)
2004 知的資本蓄積と管理会計. (一)-(二) : 台湾企業六社の実証硏究 王文英 book/chapter 說明頁(446)
2006 決策支援系統與企業智慧 = Decision support systems and business intelligence 梁定澎 book/chapter 說明頁(589)
2000 生活型態白皮書 : 2000年臺灣消費習慣調查報告 別蓮蒂 book/chapter 說明頁(547)
2003 人際溝通 洪英正、錢玉芬 book/chapter 說明頁(524)
2003 新金融商品個案集. I = Case studies in new financial instruments 陳威光 book/chapter 說明頁(699)
2002 著名標章及相關表徵保護之研究 劉孔中 book/chapter 說明頁(434)
2003 栽一顆創業種籽 : 創業學習平臺的布建與複製 溫肇東 book/chapter 說明頁(510)
2003 智慧財產法律與管理案例評析 = Cases analysis of intellectual property law and management 劉江彬 book/chapter 說明頁(462)
2003 產業經營與創新政策 = Innovation policy for industrial development 邱奕嘉 book/chapter 說明頁(385)
2000 高級會計學 = Advanced accounting 鄭丁旺 book/chapter 說明頁(569)
2000 高級會計學 : 作業解答 = Advenced accounting 鄭丁旺 book/chapter 說明頁(664)
2001 兩稅合一制度與會計 許崇源 book/chapter 說明頁(601)
2000 遠洋航商空櫃調度問題之研究 謝東緯 book/chapter 說明頁(431)
2007 Using Formal Concept Analysis to Leverage Ontology-Based Acu-Point Knowledge System 季延平、Fang, Kwoting、Chang, Chingwei conference 說明頁(418)
2007 Examining the Influence of Occupational Therapy and Its Effectiveness in Long-Term Care on Dementia Patients Through Ontology-Based Clustering 季延平、Fang, Kwoting、Change, Chingwei conference 說明頁(421)
2008 Analyzing job performance structural model using decision making trail and evaluation laboratory technique Fang, C.H.、Chen, G.L.、Hung, Hsu Feng、洪敘峰 conference 說明頁(507)
2008 Practices make perfect market - a case study on sustaining an active e-auction market Ou, Su-Hua、歐素華 conference 說明頁(706)
2008 Robust design and innovation diffusion a contextual analysis Chen, Huifen、陳蕙芬 conference 說明頁(402)
2008 Mapping technological trajectory as patent analysis and delphi investigation Lee, Peichun、Su, Hsinning、李沛錞 conference 說明頁(512)
2008 Speed-to-fashion: Managing global supply chain in zara Liao, Raffael conference 說明頁(661)