All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、2000-2009)

Showing 2176-2200 of 11827
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-06 An Incremental Approach to Searching Minimal Siphons for Deallock Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 趙玉 conference
2000-06 An Integrated Algorithm for verification of SNC and Liveness 趙玉 conference
2002 The Digital Divide: An Exploration and Comparison Between Taiwan and Other Countries CHIEN-CHIH YU、Wang Hsing-I conference
2007-01 Developing Risk Key Performance Indicators for Risk Strategies of B2B Banks: A Balanced Scorecard Approach CHIEN-CHIH YU、Chiang Chun-Hao conference
2001-09 An integrated Framework of Business Models for Guildiong Electronic Commerce Applications and Case Studies CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2002-01 Designing a Web-Based Consumer Decision Support Systems for Tourism Services CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2001-11 Measuring Customer Information Satisfaction with web site Marketing Digital Products and Services Yi-Shun Wang、TZUNG-I TANG、Jeung-tai Eddie conference
2001-07 Responding to the Development of the New Economy-Opportunity and Action TZUNG-I TANG conference
2008-11 A Hybrid Mining Approach for Optimizing Returns Policies in e-Retailing CHIEN-CHIH YU、Wang Cheng-Su、CHIEN-CHIH YU、王貞淑 article pdf(1378)
2003 A Business Model Framework for E-Business Planning CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2005-08 Measuring the Performance of Digital Divide Strategies: The Balanced Scorecard Approach CHIEN-CHIH YU、Wang Hsing-I conference
2002-06 A Model for Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Web Sites That Market Digital Products and Services TZUNG-I TANG conference
2005-05 Linking The Balanced Scorecard to Government Strategies: A Strategic Map for Digital Divide CHIEN-CHIH YU、Wang Hsing-I conference
2000-08 A Hypermedia Document development Process foe Web Information Systems CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2000-07 Keys to the Supply Demand Architecture in Electronic Commerce TZUNG-I TANG、施穎偉、Jeung-tai Eddie Tang conference
2007-02 Value-Based Mobile Service Classification for B2E Applications in the Tourism Industry CHIEN-CHIH YU、Chang Hsiao-Ping conference
2006-09 Service-Oriented Data and Process Models for Personalization and Collaboration in e-Business CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2005-08 Personalized and Community Decision Support in eTourism Intermediaries CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2006-01 Analyzing Strategic Gaps of Digital Divide Projects Based on the Balanced Scorecard CHIEN-CHIH YU、Wang Hsing-I conference
2001-11 Content and Feature Multimedia information Retrieval for web Information systems CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2006-12 B2C Mobile E-Tourism Service Classification CHIEN-CHIH YU、Chang Hsiao-Ping conference
2000-12 A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model for Value-Chain Management CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2000 An Incremental Approach to Searching Minimal Siphons for Deadlock of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Jose A. Nicdao、趙玉 conference
2003-01 Mobile Internet servce usability in Taiwan Ming-Tsung Liu、EUGENIA HUANG conference
2007-05 The Mechanisms for Service Science and Innovation in Healthcare Industry Adopted by Taiwanese Government Hsiao Shu-ling、Lin Raymund J.、HENG-LI YANG conference