All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 251-275 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016 宋元道教清微法與地方密教傳統 SHU-WEI HSIEH report pdf(482)
2017 Rhetoric of the Gospel: A Study on the Canaan Hymns 徐頌贊、Xu, Song Zan thesis
2016 醫療與修德:早期女丹文本的兩種面向 吕燁 article web page(437)
2016 真佛宗與婦女 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(555)
2016-12 聖嚴法子繼程:馬佛與臺佛締結華人佛教圈 YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-chen article pdf(1803)
2017-08 宇宙、身體、自在天:印度宗教社會思想中的身體觀 PO-CHI HUANG book/chapter web page(680)
2016-09 菩薩與救度-從觀自在思想之興起看佛教與印度教之互動 PO-CHI HUANG article pdf(312)
2017-09 從自在天思想的開展看印度教之興起 PO-CHI HUANG article web page(779)
2017-03 The Body and the Trial: Problems of Ordeal in Hindu Dharmaśāstras. PO-CHI HUANG article web page(742)
2017-06 贞信坚节:彭际清《善女人传》的女性典范 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(519)
2017-11 跨地同坐一門禪修--聖嚴法師的國際弘法 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(467)
2017-12 道教作為學術學門的反思 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(423)
2016 台灣宗教的當代處境與發展前景 YEN-ZEN TSAI article pdf(868)
2018 Dependent-Arising, Two Truths and Logic in Bhāviveka`s philosophy: Focusing on chapter one of Prajñāpradīpa and Jewels in the hand SU-AN LIN、Lin, Su-An thesis pdf(33)
2018 The characteristics and influence for the viewpoint of Osho`s interpretation of Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra 葉育均、Ye, Yu-Jyun thesis pdf(12)
2018 The view of Buddhism in the Muslim Han Kitab during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty(1573-1735): A study based on Jinling School 高磊、LEI, GAO thesis pdf(429)
2018 「Yijingbianqi」 A Theorical Study of Taoism Incantation Treatment ——Zhuyou and Shengjizonglu as examples 余溟鯤、Yu, Ming-Kun thesis pdf(59)
2018-02 Daoism and Nationalism in Recent and Contemporary China SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(781)
2018 Invisible Reality: The Reflection between Daoist Fieldwork and Self Writing 吳宜桔、Wu, Yi-Jie thesis pdf(14)
2016-06 Is “Vijñaptimātra” ontological or epistemological idealism? 楊志常 article pdf(297)
2017-12 晚明和江戶唯識註釋的比較--以《觀所緣緣論》為例 楊志常 article pdf(386)
2018 The Faith in Pure Land and Bodhisattva Path in the Buddhist Caves of the Northern Dynasties 曹德啟、Tsao, Te-Chi thesis
2018 The Praxis of Buddhist Bioethics: Natural Farming as an Example 黃慧英、Huang, Hui-Ying thesis pdf(523)
2018 Research of the Ancestor Worship in I-Kuan Tao: A Case Study of Spring Worship Ceremony in Bao-Guang-Chung-Jeng Branch 吳幸珍 thesis pdf(2061)
2018 The Development of Indigenous New Religious Organizations in the Plural Religious Market—A Study of Weixin Shengjiao 劉秀宜、Liu, Hsiu-Yi thesis pdf(817)