All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 276-300 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018 The Debates of Orthodoxy vs. Heresy in the context of the Cross-Strait exchange -A Case Study of the the Church of Almighty God 鄭伊芳、Cheng, Yi-Fang thesis pdf(712)
2018 Analyzing Interreligious Tolerance in Post-martial Law Taiwan through Cases of Conflicts 賀孟琳、Haighton, Marit Annelize thesis pdf(266)
2018 The Formulation and Decline of Buddhist Monastic Affiliation:The Case of Taiwan Fayun Monastery`s Network 蘇胤睿、Su, Yin-Rui thesis pdf(163)
2017-12 慈莊法師與西來寺:佛光山比丘尼對國際弘法的貢獻 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(487)
2014-12 斗醮的歷史與近代斗醮 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2015-06 台灣新道教の斗科と傳道 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2015-12 台灣當代佛教口述歷史(1949–2015) SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-07 近當代道教的形塑與口述史 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2018-01 香光尼僧團的菁英特質與影響:以自鼐法師與自拙法師為核心 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-05 真文、玉符與金母:《上清金母求仙上法》與金母形象探討 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2014-03 殺伐與捉斬—宋元時期官將元帥文本中之戰爭象徵 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-07 清微法與地方密教傳統 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2015-01 經典、啟示與宗教教育 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2015-06 經典與儀式:唯心聖教之宗教實踐 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-05 禮斗、告斗與近代抄本中的斗科 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-04 Daoism and Nationalism SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-11 Daoist Manuscript and Ritual: A Study of the Dipper Ritual in Local Daoism SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2017-05 Local Daoist Visual Arts and Rituals: From Three Daoist Exhibitions to A Daoist Visual Art Project SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2016-04 Paintings, Statues and manuscripts: Daoist Collection of Lee Fongmao SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2018-03 電影與信仰(Faith and Film) 張毅民 book/chapter web page(540)
2015 朱浤源先生訪問紀錄──兼憶孫立人案的訪錄與研究 林志宏、CHING-CHIH LIN book/chapter web page(571)
2016-01 語境傳承:聖嚴法師的文字化禪修 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(411)
2016-07 跨地同坐一門禪修:法鼓山的國際法脈觀 YU-CHEN LI conference
2017-02 The Buddhist Homeland and the International Lineage of Dharma Drum Meditation Groups in the USA YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference pdf(513)
2017-06 Chinese Buddhism in the United States 沈美麗、Shen, Meilee article pdf(396)