All Of Publications(Limit:Journal of NCCU)

Showing 151-175 of 1281
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1992-03-01 「The Utmost that We Know 」 : The Sublime in 「The London Beggar 」 夏燕生 article pdf(1672)
1993-03-01 從字根語音轉換的觀點談記憶英文單字 CHIEN-CHING MO article pdf(9508)
1993-10-01 Lyricism Versus Dramatic Conflict: Ch`ang-sheng Tien and all for Love 李文彬 article pdf(1654)
1998-11-01 談如何旁徵博引、小題大作從事語言學研究論文之寫作 CHIEN-CHING MO、Mo,Chien-Ching article pdf(2361)
1991-03-01 談國語上聲的本調 YUEN-MEI YIN article pdf(1727)
1994-03 A Study of Rural-Urban Migration in Mainland China (1979-1990) TE-MEI WUTE-MEI WU article pdf(1827)
1998-11 Economic Achievements of Urban`s Temporary Migrants on China: A Comparison With Urban Residents TE-MEI WUTE-MEI WU article pdf(1402)
1999-12 台灣公債殖利率決定因素的探討 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(1687)
1989-12 美國房租與房價關係之實證研究 CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1259)
1990-06 The Synchronization of Output Fluctuations Between Taiwan and the United States JEN-TE HWANGJEN-TE HWANG article pdf(1179)
1994-03 臺灣地區住宅需求與租買選擇之聯合估計 CHU-CHIA LINCHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1216)
1995-06 從社會學習論觀點看台北青少年的消費動機 CHENG KUO article pdf(1392)
1997-10 An integral client/server design of accounting information systems JIA-LANG SENGJIA-LANG SENG article pdf(1103)
1993-03 阿努伊作品中逃避現實的戲劇性 YAO-CHUEH JUAN article pdf(1215)
1993-03 A Quest for Home in Jane Eyre CHAO-MING CHENCHAO-MING CHEN article pdf(767)
1997-10 適應性學習與均衡篩選:遺傳規畫在整合性賽局的應用 SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article pdf(680)
1974-05 唐玄宗時代的政風 SHOU-NAN WANGSHOU-NAN WANG article pdf(925)
1972-05 論唐代的縣令 SHOU-NAN WANGSHOU-NAN WANG article pdf(641)
1969-05 論晚唐裘甫之亂 SHOU-NAN WANGSHOU-NAN WANG article pdf(668)
1991-03 美國社會福利的私有化爭議 MEI-O HSIEHMEI-O HSIEH article pdf(1239)
1979-05 管理會計功能之研究 TING-WONG CHENGTING-WONG CHENG article pdf(1082)
1977-05 On the Variance Analysis of Overhead Cost TING-WONG CHENGTING-WONG CHENG article pdf(2132)
1975-12 On the Cost Allocation Method of Depreciable Assets TING-WONG CHENG、Cheng, Ting-weng article pdf(1271)
1977-12 Profit and Society DAH-HSIAN SEETOODAH-HSIAN SEETOO article pdf(903)
1994-03 Country and Industry Determinants of United States Foreign Direct Investment CHWO-MING YUCHWO-MING YU article pdf(777)