All Of Publications(Limit:Chengchi journal of Japanese studies、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 48
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-01 近代日本的「周邊地域」北海道之自我認識:從拓殖務省成立問題來探討 SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article pdf(962)
2010-01 動詞種類與學習者對於時態與體的認識─從作文的誤用─ TAEKO YOSHIDA article web page(1606)
2010.01 探討「subarashii」的若干用法 CHIUNG-FUNG TSAICHIUNG-FUNG TSAI article pdf(1486)
2012-01 日露戦争期における日本帝国の樺太植民地化への眼差し―志賀重昂の地理学知識を通して SU HSIA YANGSU HSIA YANG article pdf(643)
2012-01 判断動詞“~視する”についての一考察 WEN-LANG SOOWEN-LANG SOO article pdf(659)
2010.01 有關日語思考、知覺動詞語法化現象之研究─以「miru」「mieru」「kiku」為例─ WEN-LANG SOOWEN-LANG SOO article pdf(726)
2010.01 〈古事記〉中卷之女性人物形象-以富登多々良伊須々岐比売命、沙本毘売、神功皇后為中心 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG article pdf(636)
2012-01 『記紀』中之神武天皇像--以作品論的視點看起 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG article pdf(606)
2014-06 從中文的角度來看日語非謂形容詞的可能性--以兩字漢語為例 PING CHIEH YEH、Yeh, Ping chieh article pdf(775)
2010-01 The Consecutive Subject “ The World is Mutable” and Partial Subject in Heikemonogatari – Taking The Description of “Invariable” and “Variable” of Materials in Chapter Tukimi As An Example 犬井善壽 article web page(813)
2011-01 Haiku and Zen-Interpretation of text 有吉豊太郎、Ariyoshi,Toyotaro article pdf(613)
2011-01 理工系大学生向け日本語教材作りの実践と思考 ―『現代実用日語』のシリーズ教材を中心に― 張威 article web page(804)
2011-01 A Study of Deverbal Nouns in change-of-state sentences of Japanese-from the viewpoints of Syntax and Pragmatics- WEN-LANG SOOWEN-LANG SOO article pdf(675)
2012-01 Adnominal Clauses and Semantic Layer Structure in Japanese 益岡隆志、Masuoka Takashi article web page(1109)
2012-01 Tails of the village of Mt. Hakusan,Kaga Province in the late middle ages RYUJI NAGAIRYUJI NAGAI article pdf(824)
2013-01 The sequel to Haiku and Zen-Interpretation of the text 有吉豊太郎、Ariyoshi, Toyotaro article pdf(796)
2013-01 Cooperation between Japanese-Language Education and Japan Studies- From a perspective of \"articulation\" 嘉数勝美、Kazazu,Katsumi article pdf(444)
2013-01 A new research way for history of a state RYUJI NAGAI article pdf(653)
2013-01 The Patterns of the Coexistent Intransitive Verbs SHU-CHIN WANGSHU-CHIN WANG article web page(1235)
2013-01 Exploring Temporal Adverbs"sugu(ni)" and "tachimachi" from the Perspectives og Syntactic Condtion and Meaning Analysis 葉懿萱 article web page(765)
2014-06 文法現象に見る日本人の自己意識―日本語の一人称を中心に― TAEKO YOSHIDA article pdf(701)
2014-06 A contrastive study of resultant-state and contents incorporated-verbs in Japanese and Chinese-from the viewpoints of typology and LCS WEN-LANG SOOWEN-LANG SOO article pdf(656)
2014-06 A study of ergative verb “hiraku” and “toziru” SHU-CHIN WANGSHU-CHIN WANG article pdf(917)
2014-06 Compare the Pronunciation of Chinese Character between Japanese and Chinese SHIN-CHUN LIN、Lin, Shih Chun article pdf(888)
2014-06 The Possibility of Omitting Demonstractive Adjectives in Japanese and Chinese Language-Focusing on the Type of the Noun- YENN-RU CHEN article web page(917)