All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 1976-2000 of 2032
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-12 The Program and Evaluation of Sex Offenders` Group Psychotherapy in Taiwan YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(187)
2018-06 臺灣校園毒品防制之現狀、因應與困境:實務現場觀點反思 YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(242)
2017-12 Dropout Counseling in Taiwan: School Teacher-Counselors` Perspectives and the Ecological System Theory YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(313)
2014-11 學校輔導人員諮商專業倫理困境與因應:實務現場之省思 YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(243)
2014-08 生命,還可以多想一想 YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(224)
2014-08 別!獨自品嚐悲傷 YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(158)
2014-08 那些年之後的我們,怎麼了!? YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(178)
2014-09 重視身心障礙者的隱私 YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-hsien article web page(259)
2018-12 Strengthening teacher training in higher education: what about school bullying management? YU-HSIEN SUNG、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Valcke, Martin (UGent)、LI-MING CHEN conference web page(236)
2018-08 教學行為數據與翻轉教學 I-HUA CHANG、許正妹、吳權威、I-HUA CHANG article web page(235)
2018-08 智慧型議課廳與蘇格拉底AI平台 I-HUA CHANG、吳權威、I-HUA CHANG article web page(207)
2017-12 The Indicators and Weight System Construction for Smarter Campus of Elementary Schools in Taipei City I-HUA CHANG、林光媚、I-HUA CHANG、Lin, Guang-mei article web page(237)
2018-12 智慧教室環境下教師應用TBL模式及其教學成效之研究 I-HUA CHANG、余國偉 book/chapter pdf(212)
2018-06 A Teacher Professional Development Platform in the Big Data Trend: The Development and Application of “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room” I-HUA CHANGI-HUA CHANG、Hsu, Cheng-Mei、Wu, Chuan-Wei conference web page(228)
2017-06 A Study on Examining the Effects of Online Computer Support for Collaborative Design (CSCD) Environment I-HUA CHANG conference
2017-06 Using Computer-based Concept Mapping for Assessing and Promoting Creativity in Green Design I-HUA CHANG conference
2018-07 Parenting style, consumption and class distinction: Toy consumption and holiday tour as examples YIN-KUN CHANG conference
2018-05 支持導向VS利益導向的家長學校參與研究:以一所勞動階級為主的幼兒園為田野 YIN-KUN CHANG conference web page(242)
2018-05 幼兒園場域中權力技術的行使與抵抗—以教師、家長及幼兒園負責人的權力網絡為焦點 YIN-KUN CHANG conference web page(240)
2018-04 我認為的新時代幼教師資培育 YIN-KUN CHANG conference
2018-05 男童對Pokemon GO怪物的言說與再現—陽剛氣質觀點 YIN-KUN CHANG conference web page(201)
2018-09 臺灣學界男孩情感教育的考察:論述分析觀點 YIN-KUN CHANG conference web page(185)
2018-12 性別與教育 SHU-CHING LEESHU-CHING LEE book/chapter web page(389)
2018-09 Doctoral Education in Taiwan: Balancing Market Demands and Supply JUNG-CHENG CHENJUNG-CHENG CHEN book/chapter web page(213)
2013-08 A case study on the international students` social adaptability in Taiwan: A qualitative study CHING GREGORYYUEH-LUEN HU、Lewis, Amy、Su, Yu Nan article web page(216)