All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 776-800 of 4739
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-05 Identifying the Correlations of Different Multimedia Materials on Learning Emotion and Performance CHIH-MING CHEN、Hong, Chin-Ming、Guo, Jian-Cheng、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(1594)
2012-03 基於學習社群角色行為特徵之網路合作式學習分組策略及其討論歷程評估研究 范蔚敏、CHIH-MING CHEN、游智名、鄭詩靜、CHIH-MING CHEN conference
2011-04 Effective Problem-based Learning Supported by Digital Library, Chung, Ching-Pu、CHIH-MING CHEN、Hong, Chin-Ming、Lin, Yu-Ju、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(1255)
2011-04 Digital Library with Reading Annotation Tool for Supporting Effective Reading Learning Wang, Yu-Chih、CHIH-MING CHEN、Hong, Chin-Ming、Huang, Po-Han、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(1354)
2011-01 遊戲互動式擴增實境支援國小圖書館利用教育研究 CHIH-MING CHEN、蔡雁農、林育如、黃柏翰、CHIH-MING CHEN conference
2011-01 學習型遊戲之遊戲設計要素與學習情緒及成效之關聯性研究 CHIH-MING CHEN、黃柏翰、林育如、CHIH-MING CHEN conference
2010-12 認知型態與標註品質對閱讀成效之關聯研究:以數位閱讀標註系統為例 CHIH-MING CHEN、林育如、黃柏翰、CHIH-MING CHEN conference
2010-06 Emotion Recognition and Communication for Reducing Second-language Speaking Anxiety in a Web-based One-to-One Synchronous Learning Environment CHIH-MING CHEN、Hong, Chin-Ming conference web page(1447)
2010-05 Assessing Learning Emotion for Both the Cognitive Styles of Visualizer and Verbalizer Distributed to Different Types of Multimedia Learning Materials Sun, Ying-Chun、CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(2328)
2010-05 Assessing the Effects of Various Multimedia Curriculums to Learning Emotion and Performance based on Emotion Recognition Technology, Wang, Hui-Ping、CHIH-MING CHEN、Lin, Hsiao-Fang、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(2347)
2010-04 Social Interaction Mining based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Promoting Cooperative Learning Performance in Classroom Learning Environment Hsieh, Jeng-Cheng、CHIH-MING CHEN、Lin, Hsiao-Fang、CHIH-MING CHEN conference
2011-05 教育部計畫成果典藏資訊網之規劃與建置 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2010-11 歷史論文引用檔案文獻之特性分析 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2010-10 人文社會科學教育計畫之數位典藏系統建置經驗 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2010-04 書目計量與知識行為 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2010-03 中文權威控制館際合作構想初探--國外案例之借鏡 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2011-10 The Boundary of the \"Blood\": The Representative of \"Blood\" in the Literature of the Imperial Subjective and the Eugenic Discourse in Modern Japan PEI-CHEN WU article pdf(841)
2011-10 Aesthetic Tendency and the Meaning of Taiwan Literature during the Late Japanese MAL-SOON CHOI article pdf(1766)
2011-10 台灣戰後初期的空間改造 MING-JU FAN article
2012-06 台灣的日本文學/日本語文學:由日本統治期以來台灣的歷史軌跡來看 PEI-CHEN WUPEI-CHEN WU article pdf(951)
2010-05 殖民地時期台灣的日本耽美派系譜──以永井荷風〈墨東綺譚〉與西川滿〈稻江冶春詞〉為中心 PEI-CHEN WU article
2011-11 1930年代臺灣文學脈絡中的張赫宙 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article
2011-06 日據末期小說的「發展型」敘事與人物「新生」的意義 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article pdf(391)
2010-06 《悠悠「家園」》與〈忠孝「公園」〉:黃皙[日英]和陳映真小說的歷史認知 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article
2010-02 文學現代性的建立:二○年代台灣文學論的啟蒙內容及其結構 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI article