All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14376-14400 of 14710
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996-06 試用新批評理論解讀王昌齡《閨怨》 唐翼明 article
2014-06 西力東漸前後的中朝關係:兼論〈中朝商民水陸貿易章程〉 MIN-SHU LIAO book/chapter web page(955)
2013-03 Knowledge Input for the Domain of Information Science: A Bibliometric and Citation Analysis Study 蔡明月MING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1273)
2019 The discussion of Yellow Emperor in the Republic of China after the WWII : Focus on the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor ritual and national textbooks(1949-2018) 張睿宇、Chang, Ruey-Yu thesis pdf(419)
1994-07 埃及現代作家-約瑟夫、伊德里斯(Yusuf Idris) 林長寬 article
2021-08 返本開新、點染新意的台灣歌仔戲《昭君・丹青怨》 HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI conference web page(380)
2023-03 思過自新:蘇軾的罪咎、聲名與自我 YING-CHIEH CHEN conference pdf(26)
2021-08 意念之塚・生命之詩:在川貝母《成為洞穴》中指認無以名狀之物 PEI-JEAN CHEN、PEI-JEAN CHEN other web page(236)
2020-12 The Lost of Sense-producing Matrix as Mental disorders— Intersubjectivity and the Original Productive Matrix of Sense WEI-LUN LEE、Gang, Zhu conference pdf(238)
2022-07 返本開新的《昭君.丹青怨》 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(39)
2011 言論自由的限度:以猥褻言論以及仇恨言論為例析之 KUANG-MING CHENG report pdf(635)
2009-11 The Bodily Subjectivity in the Touching: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Michel Henry KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1207)
1994 揚雄、桓譚的反讖緯神道思想 許時珍、Xu, Shi Zhen thesis web page(268)
2012-08 陳古諷今與毛詩序的歷史詮釋 HSING-CHIEN CHE book/chapter web page(480)
2002 台灣現代詩的原型研究 李癸雲 report pdf(2887)
2023-03 Mirror Metaphor: A New Exploration of the Critical View of “The One Who Knows the Tone” in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong article web page(42)
2009 The Annotation and study on Tara Overcoming Obstacles Sadhana(sGrol ma g-yul bzlog) 施又仁、Shih, Eugene thesis pdf(12759)
1989 唐繼堯與西南政局 楊維真 thesis web page(403)
1995-05 清冊琉使李鼎元著述遺存琉球考 徐玉虎 article
2020-05 日治後期到戰後初期的接收變革 JEN-TZU HUANG、JEN-TZU HUANG article pdf(333)
2013.05 Divinity and Beauty through the Process of Indication-A Phenomenological Approach WEN-SHENG WANG、WEN-SHENG WANG book/chapter web page(1916)
2013 Violence of History, Monopoly of the Poetic: Literary Testimony, Collective Memory and Cultural Trauma in Taiwanese White Terror Literature 湯舒雯、Tang, Shu Wen thesis pdf(5763)
1987-11 盧梭的社會契約理論與當代社會問題 Jin-Tai Jiang article
2018 The influence of tone marker and word familiarity on reading of Chinese learners : An eye-tracking study 許宇萱、Hsu, Yu Hsuan thesis pdf(94)
2006 A Novel and Efficient Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier for Medical Diagnosis Hong, Chin-Ming、CHIH-MING CHEN、Chen, Shyuan-Yi、Huang, Chao-Yen、CHIH-MING CHEN conference