All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14451-14475 of 15070
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-06 跨國教團的崛起(第六章第五節) YU-CHEN LI book/chapter
2019-09 口譯之「罪」:成爲戰犯的臺灣人二戰通譯 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(557)
1996-08 不同時代的韻語稱謂 謝雲飛 article web page(1365)
1999-09 國際圖書資訊界動態 MEI-HWA YANG article pdf(1846)
2019 白行簡律賦研究 黃佳鳳、Huang, Chia-Feng thesis pdf(697)
2005 「桃竹苗」地區採茶戲與歌仔戲之交流---台灣演劇史基礎資料研究 HSIN-HSIN TSAI report pdf(935)
2015 Study on History of the National Taiwan Library in the Past One Hundred Years From perspective of Organization Development YU-TING CHENGYU-TING CHENG thesis pdf(365)
2016-11 Chinese Perspectives on Free Will KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL、Wenzel, Christian book/chapter web page(1118)
2021 The Study of the Ritual on the Oracle Bone—the cases of "河"and "岳" 杜延峰、Du, Yan-Feng thesis pdf(248)
2000-12 試說高宗諒陰三年不言及其相關問題 HUNG-MING LIN conference
1970 王弼易學之研究-又名周易略例疏證 侯秋東 thesis web page(573)
1999 商人與軍閥政治(1916-1928)-以天津為例 劉怡青 thesis web page(385)
2016-09 觸界──知覺或想像? KUAN-MIN HUANG book/chapter web page(747)
2003-10-01 放風男子與兒童樂園 MING-JU FAN conference
2017-08 Effects of Collaborative Multimedia Annotations on Elementary School Students’ Vocabulary Learning Performance Lian, Ying-You、CHIH-MING CHEN、Li, Yi-Rong、CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(721)
2009-05 大學圖書館學習共享空間的理念與建置 MEI-HWA YANGMEI-HWA YANG article pdf(8051)
1980 當前教育批判 TIEN-TSUNG YU book web page(561)
2022-01 顧頡剛撰於一九四〇年代的幾份學術審查文件 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(312)
2018-10 Agency, Culture, Modernity: Towards a New Understanding of Confucian Practical Reasoning KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL article pdf(456)
1986 盛宣懷與清末鐵路建設 安明子 thesis web page(468)
2022-10 A Preliminary Exploration to the Professional Ethical Practice: Taking the Training in Clinical Psychology as an Example WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-lun article web page(184)
2024 Action Research on the Application of Bibliotherapy in Developmental Guidance for Junior High School Students in Outlying Islands: The Case of Fairy Tales 吳慈慧、Wu, Cih-Huey thesis pdf(0)
1972-09 東亞神學芻議 項退結 article
2014-10 A Review of Japanese Imperial Ideology and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples JYUN-YU JHOU、Jhou, Jyun-yu article pdf(353)
2011 A study of the "High T`ang" concept during the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty YING-CHIEH CHEN thesis pdf(2066)