All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law)

Showing 8026-8050 of 8094
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-08 Digital Work and the Exhaustion Doctrine in the EU: In View of the Tom Kabinet C-263/18 Used E-book Judgment LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(47)
2024-06 論植物品種權侵害損害賠償之計算─評智慧財產及商業法院110年度民植上易字第1號民事判決 LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(63)
2021-02 The Requirements of Trade Secrets and Misappropriation Remedies LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(56)
2024 The pre-contractual duty of information: Misrepresentations in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions 方彥程、Fang, Yan-Cheng thesis pdf(3)
2024 A Preliminary Study on Development and Regulatory Scheme of Artificial Intelligence in Insurance Industry 鄭曉芸、Cheng, Hsiao-Yun thesis pdf(0)
2024-06 Call客類型的戀愛詐欺-簡評臺灣高等法院107年度上易字第2126號刑事判決 SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(80)
2024-09 Rethinking the Protection of Legal Interests in the Crime of Public Insult SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(81)
2024-03 The Discussion on the Provisions Concerning the Procedure of Trial in Japanese "Act on Medical Care and Treatment for Persons Who Have Caused Serious Cases under the Condition of Insanity"-Comparing with the Custodial Protection in Taiwanese Criminal Code SHIH-HSUAN HUANG、Huang, Shih-Hsuan article web page(50)
2024-06 On Legal Interest of Criminal Offense of Stalking in Taiwan SHIH-HSUAN HUANG、Huang, Shih-Hsuan article web page(64)
2024-04 餐點詐欺-簡評臺灣高等法院高雄分院109年度上更一字第35號刑事判決 SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(56)
2024-05 Preliminary Study on the Generative AI Market Competition and Ex-ante Regulation HSIN FANG WEI article web page(64)
2023-11 How EU Competition Law Is Misunderstood in the White Paper on Competition Policy by Taiwan's Competition Authority HSIN FANG WEI article web page(68)
2024-08 EU Avastin/Lucentis Case and Several Issues on Drug Off-label Use in Taiwan HSIN FANG WEI article web page(70)
2023-06 EU Orphan Drug Cases and Tackling Excessive Drug Pricing by the Enforcement of Competition Law HSIN FANG WEI article web page(53)
2024-01 由歐盟競爭政策與產業政策間衝突談保護主義再起的隱憂 HSIN FANG WEI article web page(56)
2023-04 Competition Law Perspectives on Off-Label Drug Use--The EU Avastin/Lucentis Case Study and Its Implications HSIN FANG WEI article web page(59)
2024-05 鳴金進擊的訊號?—淺析歐盟對中國大陸電動車反補貼調查案的意義與可能發展 HSIN FANG WEI article web page(50)
2024-05 Les dilemmes liés aux droits d'utilisation et de propriété des terres autochtones de Taïwan: l'étude de cas de « logerment permanent » après le désastre CHIN-WEN WUCHIN-WEN WU conference web page(73)
2023-08 初探原住民身分之法制建構 CHIN-WEN WU conference web page(74)
2024-05 不能人道撤銷婚姻與破綻離婚─評最高法院84年度台上第39號民事判決 YUN-CHI CHANG conference web page(77)
2022-11 公寓大廈規約公證─與日本法定公證事項之比較 YUN-CHI CHANG conference pdf(1)
2021-12 公證費用問題及公證人經濟地位之初探─以我國法及日本法為對象 YUN-CHI CHANG conference pdf(54)
2023-12 日本的認證制度 YUN-CHI CHANG conference pdf(81)
2024-06 《大清民律草案》起草中的禮法之爭——以親屬法草案為中心 CHIN-TANG HUANG conference pdf(47)
2024 A Study on the Protection of Platform Workers under the Wave of the Gig Economy 辛昀浩、Hsin, Yun-Hao thesis pdf(0)