All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 1797
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011.04 Protective and restorative effects of magnolol on neurotoxicity in mice with 6-hydroxydopamine-induced hemiparkinsonism MING-HUAN CHAN、Lin,Shiau-Chin、MING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHAN article web page(1648)
2011-04 The eye movement patterns in viewing Chinese affective pictures NAI-SHING YEN、Yang, T. H、Chang, Y. Y.、Tseng, P. C.、NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2011-01 Affective Picture Processing and Emotion Regulation: Brain Potentials and Eye Movement Patterns NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2012-08 Objective versus Subjective Cognitive Functioning in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Chen Chang-Wei 、CHIEN-MING YANG、Chen Ning-Hung 、CHIEN-MING YANG article pdf(1653)
2010-06 Social Dilemma studies JEAW-MEI CHEN、孫旻暐、邱蜀娟、Chen,Jeaw-Mei conference pdf(827)
2011 Place conditioning and neurochemical responses elicited by the aftereffect of acute stressor exposure involving an elevated stand RUEY-MING LIAO、 Chen, Jin-Chung 、RUEY-MING LIAORUEY-MING LIAO article pdf(1290)
2010-02 Dopamine receptor antagonists impair place conditioning after acute stress in rats RUEY-MING LIAO、Shen, IYing-Ling、Chen, Yao-Chu、RUEY-MING LIAO article
2012-09 The Anticipated Risk Factor in Error Monitoring System: A FRN Study Chang, Y. F.、NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2012-06 The roles of working memory and approximate numerosity system on junior high school math achievements NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Yen, M. H.、Didino, D.、Butterworth, B. conference
2011-08 Combining Information load with the physical complexity of stimuli and the strength of emotion NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2012-04 The Emotional Picture Processing of Optimistic and Pessimistic Persons:An ERP study NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Yang, T. H.、Chueh, C. H.、He, H. F.、Chen, C.、Liao, S. A. conference
2011-09 The risk factor and emotion-decision mechanism in somatic marker hypothesis NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Kao, C. H.、SHANG-FAN LEE conference
2010-08 Proposers with different nations elicit different ERP components in the Ultimatum Game NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Chang, Y. F、RUEY-MING LIAO conference
2011-09 Testing somatic marker hypothesis with modified IGTs NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Kao, C. H. conference
2012-04 The peripheral physiological reactions in viewing Taiwanese Affective Pictures NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Yang, T. H.、Chueh, C. H. conference
2011-07 The roles of working memory and approximate number system on multiplication performance NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Butterworth, B. conference
2011-09 The Taiwan Affective Picture System: The norm, psychophsiological responses and eye movement patterns NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENRUEY-MING LIAOCHIEN-MING YANG、Huang, S. L.、JIE-LI TSAI conference
2011-04 How attractiveness modulates the social interaction in the Ultimatum Game: An ERP study NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2010-08 Feedback-related negativity and decision making NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2011-09 The effects of expected value and risk level in a modified IGT: A fMRI study NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Kao, C. H.、NAI-SHING YEN、Kuo, W. J. conference
2010-11 The risk factor in emotion and decision making: Multiple approaches to test the effect of risk in Iowa Gambling Task NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN conference
2010-04 Proposers with the same nation elicit greater conflict in an Ultimatum game: A FRN study NAI-SHING YEN、Chang, Y. F.、Hsu, L. I.、Lin, K. Y.、Kao, C. H. 、NAI-SHING YEN conference
2012-09 Effects of Color and Avatar on Perceived Webpage Closeness:An Exploratory fMRI Study NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Hsieh, R. H.、Li, Y. W.、Kang, T. C. conference
2013 A possible correlation between oxytocin-induced and angiotensin IV-induced anti-hyperalgesia at the spinal level in rats Chow, Lok-Hi、 Tao, Pao-Luh、 Chen, Jin-Chun、RUEY-MING LIAO、 Chang, En-Pei、 Huang, Eagle Yi-Kung、RUEY-MING LIAO article pdf(1538)
2010-04 The influence of expected value and risk level in a reversed version of modified IGT NAI-SHING YEN、Kao, C. H.、NAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YENNAI-SHING YEN、Chu, B. S. conference